‘FIST BUMP’ (Slamdance 2025) The exploration of accusation, advocacy, and awareness.

slamdance logoFIST BUMP

Fist Bump

Filmmaker Madeleine Farley‘s Slamdance 2025 documentary FIST BUMP tells the story of Marcus Knight, a young, musical theatre-loving autistic man who becomes embroiled in a shocking firestorm of controversy. After receiving a full scholarship to Saddleback College in 2016, several students accused him of inappropriate behavior for fist bumping and taking selfies.

The film jumps right into the absurdity of the allegations. Farley shows and reads the letters from the Saddleback administration. You will find yourself screaming profanities at the screen.

Marcus’ extended family, caregivers, friends, teachers, and advocates speak on his behalf. Pictures, interviews, and videos show the adoration that follows Marcus everywhere he goes. Flooded with praise and awards his entire life, he was on an extraordinary trajectory until he entered Saddleback College.

Lee Burdette Williams, executive director for the College Autism Network and former Dean of Students at Wheaton College, alongside
Marcus’s attorney delves into the legal and moral issues of not just Marcus’ case but nationally. It tears down the egregious behavior of colleges and universities motivated by discrimination and fear of public backlash. It’s gross. The film flips Title IX on its head, exposing the failures within the system.

Fist Bump Still 2 Aurora Knight and Marcus Knight Photo Courtesy of Unlimited Pictures Limited and Oh Come On Productions

As a mother of a 9-year-old boy with autism,  FIST BUMP shook my soul. It is irrational behavior from other people that I fear most. Most parents of children with a disability will agree with the sentiment. You learn you have to be an unwavering advocate for your child. In telling Marcus’ birth story, you might begin to understand the unrelenting gaslighting. Like Marcus, my son was hyperlexic and performed complex equations at age two. Autism does not stop children from being extraordinary. Marcus’ mother, Aurora, is a hero. She is a shining example of activism and unconditional love.

“Waving Through A Window” is a song Marcus repeatedly sings in the film. If you know anything about the musical Dear Evan Hansen, you understand the emotional gut punch of this specific number. There is a theory that Evan’s character is autistic. The show’s plot revolves around miscommunication and the events that unfold due to the desire to fit in. It is a striking and impactful inclusion.

A solid companion watch, Life, Animated, takes a similar concept, but instead of music, it was Disney films that helped Owen Suskind initiate communication with his family. FIST BUMP is a nuanced example of the treatment of any individual with disabilities. The judgment, the outright dismissal, and the fear are heartbreaking. I encourage studios with a wide reach, like PBS, to see FIST BUMP and ensure it is witnessed by the masses. It is vital viewing.



USA | 2024 | Documentary | 60 min | Color

in English

Slamdance Screening:
Saturday, 2/22 @ 6:15pm
LA Times Theatre, Quixote Studios

Director/DP Madeleine Farley

Producers Claire Best, Madeleine Farley

Co-Producer Joel Plotch

Executive Producer Claire Best

Writer/Researcher Claire Best

Editor Joel Plotch

Sound Designer Martin Kloiber

Composer Thomas Schobel

FIST BUMP is the story of Marcus Knight, an astounding success story: a talented and charismatic bi-racial young adult with autism and cerebral palsy who pursues his dream career of a life on Broadway. As a college freshman, he’s accused of sexual harassment from a friendly fist bump and selfies. He must fight to prove his innocence and piece together his shattered ambitions.

For more Slamdance coverage, click here!


slamdance small logoABOUT SLAMDANCE

Established in 1995 by a wild bunch of filmmakers who were tired of relying on a large, oblique system to showcase their work, Slamdance has consistently discovered new and emerging talent that shapes our cultural future. The artist-led organization lives and breathes its mantra; by filmmakers, for filmmakers. 

In 2024, Slamdance will celebrate its 31st Festival in Los Angeles, California from February 20-26 and virtually on the Slamdance Channel from February 24 to March 7.

In addition to the festival, Slamdance serves artists with several year-round programs, including its Screenplay Competition, DIG (Digital, Interactive & Gaming), an accessible education initiative called Polytechnic and Unstoppable, a showcase of works made by creators with visible and non-visible disabilities. 

In collaboration with alumni Anthony and Joe Russo and their AGBO production company, Slamdance recently presented its first DTLA Summer Showcase in 2024 involving five multi-faceted and accessible media programs in support of new artists.

Notable Slamdance alumni include The Russo Brothers (Avengers: Endgame), Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer), Lynn Shelton (Little Fires Everywhere), Gina Prince-Bythewood (The Old Guard), the Safdie Brothers (Uncut Gems), Marina Zenovich (LANCE), Lena Dunham (Girls), Sean Baker (Red Rocket), Rian Johnson (Knives Out), Bong Joon Ho (Parasite), Merawi Gerima (Residue) and Andrew Patterson (The Vast of Night), Natasha Ofili (Creed III), and Julio Palacio (Makayla’s Voice: A Letter To The World).

Slamdance’s mission is to function as an agent of change in filmmaking and digital media, helping to make the creative works of artists with divergent voices accessible to everyone.

‘The Virgin of The Quarry Lake’ (Sundance 2025) Teen angst and feminine rage become a powder keg in a unique coming-of-age tale.

Sundance 2025 banner logoThe Virgin of The Quarry Lake

The Virgin of the Quarry Lake teaser posterJealousy collides with superstition in Laura Casabé‘s coming-of-age Sundance 2025 film The Virgin of The Quarry Lake. Natalia lives with her grandmother, Rita, after being abandoned by her parents. The summer after high school graduation is a time of angst, curiosity, fear, and desire. Intimated by a worldly older woman named Silvia, Nati and her two best friends become deeply entrenched in a battle to keep her crush, Diego, from her clutches.

The Virgin of the Quarry Lake 1Although set in 2001 Argentina, the film’s narrative parallels today’s political climate with startling accuracy. The government is a disaster. There are rolling blackouts, civil unrest, and the popular television personality peddles misinformation. Nati witnesses violence again and again. Her envy of Silvia and sexual frustration push her to her limits. The repeated and infuriating misogyny she endures results in a bloody act of pushback. Nati unleashes an alarming feminine rage.

The Virgin of the Quarry Lake NatiBased on the stories of Mariana Enriquez, screenwriter Benjamin Naishat creates something quite magic. The Virgin of The Quarry Lake also delivers a visceral sense memory of young love. Nati receives a heartbreaking phone call from Silvia. I received a shockingly similar call the summer of my Senior year, and it destroyed me in a way that I still remember at almost 45 years old. You will hurt for her. It is vicious. Dolores Oliverio owns the role of Natalia. She is an undeniable star.

The visual juxtaposition of the continuously rotting contents of the homeless man’s abandoned cart screams off the screen. Diego Tenorio‘s closeup cinematography is perfect. The Virgin of The Quarry Lake is a physical manifestation of simmering emotional trauma and hidden power.


Argentina, Spain, Mexico 

Director: Laura Casabé 

Screenwriter: Benjamin Naishtat

Producers: Tomas Eloy Muñoz, Valeria Bistagnino, Alejandro Israel, David Matamoros, Angeles Hernandez, Diego Martinez Ulanosky 



For more Sundance 2025 coverage, click here!

‘LIFE AFTER’ (Sundance 2025) Autonomy, disability, and so much more.

Sundance 2025 banner logoLIFE AFTER

life after Sundance

Filmmaker Reid Davenport‘s timely Sundance documentary LIFE AFTER is here to ask the big questions. Much like his film 2022 film, I DIDN’T SEE YOU THERE, Davenport’s personal lens overlaps with his subject as a person with cerebral palsy. Upon discovering an essay about a young woman named Elizabeth Bouvia, Davenport embarks on a journey to find this disability rights pioneer.

Archival footage of Elizabeth through the years is spliced between stories of people with similar feelings and fears, though each story is drastically different. Reid makes it clear at the beginning of the film. These are not black-and-white issues, and his intention is truth and connection. The confrontation of ableism is mind-blowing and vital. Reid Davenport’s charm and raw honesty are captivating, and those who choose to share their stories open our eyes.

life after Sundance 2Canadian Bill C-7 allowed for the Right To Die. The expansion of MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) remains controversial. Davenport offers every angle of the process. This alone is an emotional roller-coaster, from perceived propaganda to Disability Rights Advocates, both for and against the legislation.

Cambridge, Ontario resident Michael Kaliszan was born with CP. After the death of his mother and primary caretaker, his quality of life plummeted as funds dried up and loneliness took hold. His attempts to access MAiD were fruitless. Through his months of trying, Davenport has revisited Michael, and a seed of hope for a sustainable and happy existence might be growing.

Michael Hickson‘s story of his post-coma brain and spinal cord complications comes from his wife, Melissa. Her struggle to attain better care for her husband led to a guardianship battle and, ultimately, his death. Melissa’s secret recordings of doctors back up her claims that staff encouraged Michael’s passing.

Life_After-Still_2Dr. Ramona Coelho speaks about the cost savings of moving forward with the passing of C-7. The film tackles the abuse of the law. Davenport interviews advocates who worry that this could be used as a justification tool to end the lives of disabled people, in other words, eugenics.

Elizabeth’s story is the catalyst for Davenport. It opens the door to so much more. Interviews with her family members and home videos reveal untold stories from her life, and the nuance will leave you breathless. LIFE AFTER skillfully tackles body autonomy, health rights, disability awareness, ableism, and capitalism. It is an incredibly important film and one hell of a conversation starter.

Remaining screenings of LIFE AFTER:

  • Jan 30, 12:30 PM MST

    Broadway Centre Cinemas – 6

    Salt Lake City

    open caption
  • Jan 31, 6:00 PM MST

    Holiday Village Cinemas – 1

    Park City

    open caption
    • Jan 30, 10:00 AM EST –
      Feb 3, 1:55 AM EST
      Online Screening

In 1983, a disabled Californian woman named Elizabeth Bouvia sought the “right to die,” igniting a national debate about autonomy, dignity, and the value of disabled lives. After years of courtroom trials, Bouvia disappeared from public view. Disabled director Reid Davenport narrates this investigation of what happened to Bouvia.

For more Sundance coverage, click here!

‘MR NOBODY AGAINST PUTIN’ (Sundance 2025) The shocking militarization of Russian schoolchildren and the brave teacher who exposed it all.

Sundance 2025 banner logoMR NOBODY AGAINST PUTIN


David Borenstein’s eye-opening Sundance 2025 documentary follows a democracy-loving school event coordinator and videographer who finds himself in the trenches of warfare. Pavel “Pasha” Talankin is not a soldier. He is a primary school teacher thrust into a shocking new reality– the bastardization of history and the brainwashing of his country. MR NOBODY AGAINST PUTIN should be mandatory viewing.

Pasha (who shoots and co-directs the film) provides a safe place for free-thinking, creative kids. It only took him a day to realize Putin had forced him and his colleagues to be part of a war machine, not teaching but indoctrinating their young students to support the war in Ukraine passionately. New patriotic lessons read verbatim to children filled with absurd lies.

Instead of resigning, Pasha agrees to become an informant for a European journalist because his unprecedented access to the daily lives of his students and community delivers the truth those outside of Russia are never privy to. Thus begins a mission of recording history.

Pasha records his students in raw confessional moments. As her brother endures the front lines, Masha, a once bubbly student, slowly descends into a sadness that mirrors many of the kids. You can see their gears turning in the understanding that something is not quite right about their instruction. Teachers gather in Pasha’s office. They’ve just been informed that grades are disastrous across all levels. Morale plummets as they fear firing or even jail time under a new “treason” law. It is the same bullshit that imprisons journalists.

State TV is gross. The overblown production of propagandist songs and parades will make you seethe or vomit. The gaslighting from Putin looks eerily similar to what we’ve come to hear from the right in the U.S. In the first few days of this sickening political sequel most of us didn’t ask for, we must take heed of the atrocities in this film.

Karabash’s history teacher gives a nauseating lesson on the art of foreign misinformation. Every word in his classroom induces a gasp. While Putin reactivates a jaw-dropping youth movement under the faux guise of patriotism, giving children literal scripts to read on camera. When the Wagner Mercenaries come to present what we in the U.S. would call an enrichment presentation, kids learn about mines, guns, and how not to die. A schoolwide competition consists of grenade throwing. Karabash Primary School has transformed into a military school, uniforms and all. Russia is training soldiers from Kindergarten, and they’ve convinced some of the population that it is a noble pursuit.

Pasha Talankin might be one of the bravest people in the world. His seemingly small acts of open defiance make your heart race. An hour into the film, we are genuinely worried for his safety. As he sends his 2024 graduating class off to an unknown future, Pasha provides the world with vital truths that will likely cause a global uproar.

MR NOBODY AGAINST PUTIN is a horrifying blueprint for authoritarianism. The world is moments away from political collapse. This doc is nothing short of a stark warning. It demands your attention. Pay attention and honor his fearlessness.


Directed by David Borenstein and co-directed by Pasha Talankin, this uniquely collaborative film is as captivating and joyful as it is eye-opening and sobering. Mr. Nobody Against Putin showcases rare footage that reveals the profound impact of Putin’s regime on the lives of everyday Russians, particularly its children. MR NOBODY AGAINST PUTIN

Director: David Borenstein

Co-Director: Pavel Talankin

Screenwriter: David Borenstein

Producer: Helle Faber

David borensteinDavid Borenstein has worked in the documentary industry on three different continents. He has produced and directed TV for BBC, PBS, ARTE, Al Jazeera, DR, Vice, and many more international broadcasters. Borenstein directed Can’t Feel Nothing (2024), Love Factory (2021), and Dream Empire (2016).  MR NOBODY AGAINST PUTIN


For more Sundance coverage, click here!



‘FROM GROUND ZERO’ (2025) A multi-hyphenate anthology inside war torn Gaza



From Ground Zero poster

Movie poster design by Chargefield Inc.

Our brains cannot fully process some things unless circumstances force them upon us. Even then, reality can be a cruel, unrelenting mistress. In producer RASHID MASHARAWI‘s heartwrenching film FROM GROUND ZERO, 22 short films from displaced citizens of Gaza expose the devastation, chaos, and seeds of hope. Raw storytelling from varying genres delivers all the emotion. The films range from three to six minutes, each having an extraordinary impact.

From Ground Zero No SignalFootage from those rescued from collapsed buildings, unimaginable loss, children caught in a tornado of violence, every film is immersive and visceral. The bravery and passion of the filmmakers are on full display. The viewing experience is heavy, inspiring, and vital, particularly for those who believe we should stop funding humanitarian efforts abroad. Amongst turmoil on American soil, we should thank our lucky stars for the privilege of honoring the ongoing courage, compassion, and unity of the Gazan people. FROM GROUND ZERO is a must-watch.

Below, you can find the breakdown of each film.

From Ground Zero Soft Skin


In Theaters January 3, 2025 


2024 Official Selection – Toronto International Film Festival

2024 Official Selection – Boston Palestine Film Festival 

2024 Official Selection – Middle East Now Firenze

2024 Official Selection – DC Palestinian Film & Arts Festival

2024 Official Selection – Urban World

From Ground Zero Taxi Wanissa

Official Synopsis:

22 Palestinian filmmakers living through war capture their lives in Gaza over the past year, revealing stories beyond the headlines. Their work offers a striking view of life’s fragility and the resilience of love in the face of devastation. 

Each film, ranging in length from three to six minutes, presents a unique perspective on the current reality in Gaza. The project captures the diverse experiences of life in the Palestinian enclave, including the challenges, tragedies, and moments of resilience faced by its people. Using a mix of genres including fiction, documentary, docu-fiction, animation, and experimental cinema, From Ground Zero presents a rich diversity of stories that reflect the sorrow, joy, and hope inherent in Gazan life.

Despite harsh filming conditions, Gaza’s vibrant artistic scene shines through this stunning anthology film, which offers an intimate and powerful portrait of daily life in modern-day Palestine – and the enduring spirit of its people.



The full list of openings can be found here: https://fromgroundzero.url.film/

Producer and Project Supervisor: Rashid Masharawi
Executive Producer: Laura Nikolov
Editors: Denis Le Paven, Pauline Eon
Editor and Post-Production Supervisor: Denis Le Maven
Sound Designer and Mixer: Sarah Fasseur-Leroux
Production Coordinator (Gaza): Yafa Masharawi
Production Coordinator (France): Alexis Auffret
Graphic Designer: Ala’ Abu Ghoush
Music By: Naseer Shamma
Produced by: Masharawi Fund for Films and Filmmakers in Gaza and Coorigines Production
Language: Arabic with English Subtitles
Genre: Documentary
Country: Palestine, France, Qatar, Jordan
Distributor: Watermelon Pictures
Run Time: 112 minutes

The Filmmakers
Reema Mahmoud – “Selfie” 
Reema Mahmoud, a Palestinian film director specializing in women’s and youth issues, has directed over twenty films. With a BA in Media and Communication and diplomas in Palestinian Studies and film production, she has won several awards, including the 2020 Creative Woman Award and the 2021 Best Short Film Award.
Muhammad Al Sharif – “No Signal” 
Muhammad Al Sharif, based in Gaza, holds a Business Administration degree and a Cinema Diploma. He is an actor and director, known for the short film Min Wen Lawen, hosting Shobak Al-Balad, and acting in Chi Ann Blaze of Fury. He has extensive training in acting, cinematography, and film production.
Ahmed Hassouna – “Sorry Cinema” 
Ahmed Hassouna, a film director under siege and bombardment in northern Gaza, was a cinema buff before the war, passionately working in the industry, following it, and studying it closely. He made many feature and short films, earning the nickname “Cinema Marathon” due to his restless pursuit of cinematic art.
Islam Al Zeriei – “Flashback” 
Islam Al Zeriei, born in Gaza, is a skilled TV and documentary filmmaker with a diploma in TV Arts from Palestine College. She has extensive experience in video and photo editing, and has worked with various organizations including Ashtar for Theatre Productions and the Women’s Affairs Center. Al Zeriei is proficient in Adobe software and active in media advocacy.
Mustafa Kolab – “Echo”
He was born in September 1972. He is a professional with fifteen years of experience in the production of animated films. He uses animation methods for psychosocial interventions with children. He ran the Fekra Arts Institute in Gaza for ten years and worked in theatre productions.
Nidal Damo – “All is Fine”
Nidal Damo, born in 1971 in Nuseirat, Gaza, is a theatre director and actor. He directed several children’s plays and acted in notable works like All is Well and Sarah. He holds a BA in Social Work from Al-Quds Open University and trains in drama and psychological
Khamis Masharawi – “Soft Skin” 
Khamis has worked on numerous films in the field of decoration. He is a set designer and children’s animation trainer. He is one of the founders of the Fekra Foundation in Gaza, which trains children to engage with the film industry as a form of art therapy.
Bashar Al Balbisi – “Charm” 
Bashar Al Balbisi, a Palestinian from Gaza, is an accomplished dance trainer. He coordinates cultural initiatives and choreographs performances, specializing in traditional and contemporary dance. With experience in educational and cultural institutions, he actively promotes Palestinian heritage through dance and community engagement.
Tamer Nijim – “The Teacher” 
Born in Gaza in 1991, Tamer is a theatre and television artist at Ashtar for Theatre Productions and Training. He holds a BA in Media from Al-Azhar University and a diploma in Acting and Theatre Training. He has participated in numerous local and international theatre productions and festivals.
Ahmed Al Danaf – “A School Day” 
Ahmed Al Danaf, born in Gaza in 1999, is a Palestinian videographer and photographer. He holds a degree in Multimedia from Al-Azhar University and has worked with numerous media organizations including the BBC, ABC News, and Oxfam. Ahmed specializes in documentary filmmaking and media production.


Alaa Islam Ayoub – “Overload” 
Alaa Islam Ayoub, a Gaza-based content writer and filmmaker, holds a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy from IUG. Experienced in SEO, literary content, and documentary scripts, Alaa also works as a podcast host and voiceover artist, contributing to various media and academic projects.
Karim Satoum – “Hell’s Haven” 
Karim Satoum was born and lives in Gaza. He has taken many courses in theatre and has been working as an actor for five years. He has taken part in many plays. Heaven’s Hell
is his first short film.
Alaa Damo – “24 Hours” 
Alaa Damo, a Palestinian from Gaza, has a BA in Public Relations. With seven years’ experience in the arts, he specializes in therapeutic art for children and has worked extensively with local institutions to promote creative expression and peace building through the arts.
Aws Al Banna – “Jad and Natalię”
Aws Al Banna, 26, from Gaza, is a television and theatre actor, drama teacher, playwright, and director. He studied theatre and his notable works include the series Milad Al-Fajr, Shuhud, and Darb Al-Fida and plays such as Al-Ramadiyun and Rashomon Gate. He has received awards for his children’s theatre projects.
Rabab Khamis – “Recycling”
Rabab Khamis, born in Gaza in 1997, is a multimedia specialist with a diploma in digital media. She has directed children’s plays and worked as a drama and psychological support trainer. Khamis has acted in various productions and has skills in Adobe, Microsoft Office, CorelDRAW, and others.
Etimad Washah – “Taxi Wanissa”
Based in Gaza, Palestine, Etimad Washah was the Video Program Coordinator at the Women’s Affairs Centre (2001-2018). She is a director of documentary and fiction films on women’s issues, a trainer in cinematography and editing, and has directed women’s film festivals and student film projects.
Mustafa Al Nabih – “Offerings” 
Mustafa, a Palestinian writer and director, has published novels and plays, directed 25 plays for children and adults, and created numerous documentaries. He has collaborated with various international channels, won 25 awards, and served as a jury member in many film festivals.
Hana Eleiwa – “No”
Hana, a passionate journalist from Gaza City, is the founder and director of Hana Agency, specializing in visual, audio, digital and multimedia services. She manages the digital channel Hona Al Dafa, advises The Al-Fakhoura\Project, and lectures at the University College of Applied Sciences.
Wissam Moussa – “Farah and Myriam”
Wissam, born in 1981 in Deir Al Balah, Gaza, is a Palestinian filmmaker and public relations manager at Fursan Al Erada Radio. He has directed several acclaimed films, including 15 in Gazafor Al-Jazeera English, and has participated in numerous international film festivals and conferences.
Basel El Maqousi – “Fragments” 
Born in Gaza in 1971, Basel is a visual artist and freelance photographer. He studied art at the YMCA Gaza and attended the Daratal Fununsummer academy. Winner of the Charles Asprey Award and a UNESCO scholarship, he has exhibited internationally and teaches at the Jabalia Rehabilitation Society.
Neda’a Abu Hasna – “Out of Frame” 
Neda’a, an experienced Palestinian news editor and presenter, holds a Masters Degree in Audiovisual and Cinema from Carthage University and a Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication from Al-Aqsa University. She has extensive experience in radio, film, and news editing.
Mahdi Kreirah – “Awakening” 
Mahdi is a puppet maker and puppeteer who runs a puppet theatre in Gaza. He has produced many plays for children and his productions have been featured on many television programs. He conducts workshops for children to train them in puppet-making and puppeteering.
From Ground Zero was created by filmmaker Rashid Masharawi and designed to give a voice to the people of Gaza and to document their day-to-day experiences, many of which often go unheard by the outside world

In a war-torn society, where artistic creation is extremely complex, the project sought to capture the diversity of perspectives of Gazans through slice-of-life short films, ranging anywhere from three to six minutes in length. Filmmakers were allowed to tell their story through any genre and cinematic storytelling platform, from fiction to documentary to animation.

In order to ensure quality and coherence, a dedicated selection committee was set up to ensure the viability of the short films pitched to be included in the From Ground Zero Project. The committee evaluated every project submitted, giving priority to personal, original stories that focused on the project’s overall message.

Once the 22 projects had been selected, the committee worked closely with the filmmakers to ensure their proper development, from concept to production – tackling real-world obstacles that filmmakers outside of Palestine would never have to consider.

The creation of From Ground Zero required meticulous organization. Tutors based in the Middle East and Europe supervised the projects, while experienced coordinators on the ground in Gaza ensured the technical and human resources needed for filming.

For more film festival favorite features, click here!

‘LA COCINA’ (2024) As complex as Shakespeare and an ode to those behind the scenes.

Willa logoLa Cocina

La Cocina poster(2024) - www.imdb.comBased on the 1957 stage play The Kitchen by Arnold Wesker, filmmaker Alonso Ruizpalacios brings LA COCINA to the big screen. This exquisite drama follows the staff at a restaurant in Times Square and the coordinated (and uncoordinated) chaos behind the scenes. It is a beautiful character study that will punch you in the gut.

The black and white cinematography from Juan Pablo Ramirez screams stage play in all the best ways. Mixed with intimate closeups and follow shots, it is an intricately choreographed dance boasting framing that will linger long after the credits roll. 

The opening monologue sets the scene for the city’s chaotic reality. The dialogue is funny, authentic, and brutal. Performances are top-notch across the board. The delicious ensemble cast nails every beat. 

Motell Foster plays dessert chef, Nonzo. His philosophical kindness makes him something like the Gandolf of the kitchen. Foster is magnificent. Oded Fehr plays The Grill’s owner with an overbearing swagger that slowly spoils as the plot thickens. Fehr delivers the irony of the American Dream. 

La Cocina still

Laura Gómez lives in her role as a waitress on her first day. Gómez’s intensity is transformative. Anna Diaz gives Estela the wide-eyed, tentative nature that represents the inner voice of the entire staff. 

Rooney Mara plays Julia with a fiery sass and life-weathered exhaustion. Raúl Briones delivers humor and depth as Pedro. His cheeky personality is a facade for unresolved trauma. Mara and Briones have a fierce chemistry akin to Beatrice and Benedick in Shakespeare‘s Much Ado About Nothing. But it is Raúl Briones who owns the heart of this brilliant film. This performance is nothing short of award-worthy.

LA COCINA confronts racism and socioeconomic privilege head-on. The script challenges cultural boundaries. The characters are a melting pot that perfectly captures the true essence of the city and, quite frankly, America. Any real New Yorker will tell you that at any given moment, LA COCINA is happening in real time. It’s an unforgettable emotional rollercoaster

A Film by Alonso Ruizpalacios 

Starring Rooney Mara and Raúl Briones 

  October 25 / Angelika, NY
November 1 / Laemmle Monica, LA
followed by a national theatrical release

La Cocina Logo 7T095119.060SYNOPSIS: It’s the lunch rush at The Grill in Manhattan, and money has gone missing from the till. All the undocumented cooks are being investigated, and Pedro (Briones) is the prime suspect. He’s a dreamer and a troublemaker, and in love with Julia (Mara), an American waitress who cannot commit to a relationship. Rashid, The Grill´s owner, has promised to help Pedro with his papers so he can “become legal”. But a shocking revelation about Julia compels Pedro to spiral into an act that will stop the production line of one of the city’s busiest kitchens once and for all.

La Cocina is a tragic and comic tribute to the invisible people who keep our restaurants running and our stomachs full, whilst chasing a perhaps unreachable version of the American dream.

WRITER & DIRECTOR: Alonso Ruizpalacios, based on the play “The Kitchen”, by Arnold Wesker
PRODUCERS: Ramiro Ruiz, Gerardo Gatica, Alonso Ruizpalacios, Lauren Mann, Ivan Orlic
CAST: Raúl Briones, Rooney Mara, Anna Diaz, Motell Foster, Oded Fehr, Eduardo Olmos
U.S. Distributor: Willa
Mexico, U.S. / English and Spanish / 139min

For more drama coverage, click here!

‘FALLING STARS’ (2024) Living lore and the consequences of disrespect.


Falling Stars poster

Witches are real in the feature debut of director/producer duo Gabriel Bienczycki and Richard Karpala‘s FALLING STARS. On the first night of Harvest, three brothers go to the desert to see a witch’s corpse.

The film exists in a world where deeply embedded folklore is canon. While our boys initially visit the site with an excited and carefree attitude, their fear becomes palpable when they accidentally desecrate the body.

Falling_Stars_03There is a reminiscent feeling in FALLING STARS, some that reminds me of 80s classics like The Gate and The Lost Boys, with the glow of red dashboard hues, flashlights, and the moon being the dominant lighting sources. The cinematography by Bienczycki has an intimacy to it. Karpala’s screenplay is just downright cool. It is genuinely refreshing to witness masculinity based on regret and an apologetic undertone.

This ensemble cast is fantastic. Diane Worman plays the boys’ mother, Danni. She delivers a magnificent arc. Rene Leech gives Adam authentic baby brother energy with a need to please and an impressionable mind.

Falling_Stars_01J. Aaron Boykin is the mainstay of this film. As radio DJ Barry, he opens the film and acts as a narrative conduit for Mike’s panic. Andrew Gabriel is Sal, the middle brother. His caring nature and fixer attitude beg your attention. Shaun Duke Jr. gives Mike a tentative bravery and a strong sense of responsibility. He is the protector, for better or for worse.

FALLING STARS is a unique revenge horror that digs into witch lore, respecting tradition and an immaculate political undertone. Boasting a jaw-dropping and cinematically stunning finale, it’s a bit of pure genre magic.


The acclaimed folk horror film arrives on VOD and in select U.S. cinemas on Friday, October 11th!


FALLING STARS is the feature debut of director/producer duo Richard Karpala and Gabriel Bienczycki, featuring an original screenplay by Karpala and cinematography by Bienczycki.

Starring Rene Leech, Shaun Duke Jr., Andrew Gabriel, Diane Worman, and Greg Poppa, the film World Premiered on the Piazza Grande at the Locarno Film Festival and went on to screen at Fantastic Fest, Calgary Underground, Splat! Film Fest, and more.


About XYZ Films 
XYZ Films is an independent studio whose mission is to empower visionary storytellers from every corner of the planet. XYZ was founded in 2008 by Nate Bolotin, Nick Spicer, and Aram Tertzakian and has expanded in recent years into documentary, talent management, and distribution. Some of the company’s classic titles include THE RAID franchise, 2017 Sundance winner I DON’T FEEL AT HOME IN THIS WORLD ANYMORE, and Panos Cosmatos’ psychedelic revenge thriller MANDY.


For more horror reviews, click here!

‘ZERO’ (Beyond Fest 2024) A dark, pulse-pounding thriller, that excites in every second.


zero 1


Jean Luc Herbulot brings Beyond Fest 2024 audiences a heartpounder in ZERO. Two Americans in Senegal wake up to discover bombs strapped to their chests and an unknown man speaking in their ear. They have ten hours to complete seemingly unrelated tasks before they explode. Can they beat a madman at his own game? This stealthy geopolitical thrill ride does not disappoint.

At first glance, our leading men appear opposites, but the script slowly reveals their motivations are the same. ZERO is a game of cat-and-mouse on an entirely new level. A surprising philosophical angle is carefully crafted into the screenplay, branding a message into the audience’s psyche.

zero 2Fast-paced editing and augmented sound effects keep you engaged from the first frame. The concept combines the adrenaline of SAW and SPEED, but it’s funnier and inevitably much darker. The soundtrack is fantastic. Gregory Turbellier‘s camerawork is immersive and sharp.

Performances are outstanding. Unmistakable icon Willem Dafoe is the mysterious voice over the phone. There is something about his tone and rhythm that hypnotizes the viewer. Gary Dourdan adds a voice of enlightenment. His calm, powerful demeanor sets a tone against the tumultuous pacing.

zero 3Leading players Hus Miller (who also co-writes) and Cam McHarg have fiery chemistry, each delivering fully flushed-out characters even if we know the most basic information about them. They make a great on-screen team. I would love to see this entire crew create more projects together.

Jean Luc Herbulot delivers a winner in ZERO. Its bold messaging and fearless choices make it one of the year’s most shocking thrillers.

DIRECTOR: Jean Luc Herbulot
WRITERS: Jean Luc Herbulot, Hus Miller
CAST: Hus Miller, Cam McHarg, Gary Dourdan, Moran Rosenblatt, Annabelle Lengronne, Jessica Lorraine, Roger Sallah

For more Beyond Fest 2024, click here!

TIFF 2024: 9 Films we’re excited for at this year’s fest

tiff 2024bannerTIFF 2024

Kicking off festival season proper with the Toronto International Film Festival. 2024’s lineup is not only star-studded but overflowing with new talent that is here to blow you away. Here is a list of 8 films we’ll be getting in line for. 

TIFF 2024 will be held from September 05, 2024 to September 15, 2024 in Toronto, Canada.
Location: Toronto


For ticket information, click here!


Paying For it TIFF 24Sook-Yin Lee
Canada | 2024 | 85m | English

In the late 90s, Chester and Sonny are a long-term, committed, romantic couple. When Sonny wants to redefine their relationship, Chester, a shy and introverted cartoonist, starts sleeping with sex workers and discovers a new kind of intimacy in the process.



The Mother and the bearJohnny Ma
Canada, Chile | 2024 | 100m | English, Korean



ICK_Still_01_hero_v2Joseph Kahn
United States of America | 2024 | 92m | English
In Joseph Kahn’s breakneck sci-fi/horror satire, a high school science teacher (Brandon Routh) does battle with a parasitic alien entity, as well as the apathy of the small town it has been gradually absorbing.

Shook (2024)
Amar Wala
Canada | 2024 | 113m | English, Hindi
Struggling writer Ashish is thrown for several loops when he falls for barista Claire and learns his estranged father has just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, in Amar Wala’s first dramatic feature. Read More : If you are looking for news regarding replica watches visit londondaily.news

Reema Kagti
India | 2024 | 127m | Hindi
Helmed by Reema Kagti (Talaash: The Answer Lies Within) in her latest collaboration with producer Zoya Akhtar (Gully Boy), this uplifting story chronicles the life of Nasir Shaikh, whose no-budget, community-sourced movies turned his hometown into an unlikely dream factory.

Olivier Sarbil
Ukraine, United States of America | 2024 | 89m | Ukrainian, Russian
Fusing rigorous reportage with innovative cinematic subjectivity, this bold documentary from veteran war photographer Olivier Sarbil is a uniquely intimate portrait of a Deaf person’s experience of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Frida Kempff
Sweden | 2024 | 120m | Swedish, Danish, English
This beautifully textured period drama from director Frida Kempff tells the story of Sally Bauer, a Swedish mother who pursues her dream of swimming the English Channel before the Second World War envelops Europe.

the last republican
Steve Pink
United States of America | 2024 | 90m | English
A fan of Hot Tub Time Machine, Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger invites the left-wing Hollywood director Steve Pink to follow his efforts to hold Donald Trump accountable for the January 6 insurrection.

Scott Beck, Bryan Woods
United States of America | 2024 | 110m | English


tiff24-banner-rogersFor more information on TIFF 2024, click here!


You can find out previous TIFF coverage here 🙂


‘ESCAPE ATTEMPT’ (Fantasia 2024 short) Chilling and visually stunning

Fantasia 2024 logoESCAPE ATTEMPT

Escape Attempt – Film - Aggressive - aggressive.tv

A desperate man tries to make his way to an uninhabited planet with the help of a young and idealistic couple. In their Fantasia 2024 short ESCAPE ATTEMPT, directors Daniel Shapiro and Alex Topaller take audiences on a journey across time, space, and humanity. Based on a novella of the same name by the Strugatsky Brothers, this dazzling twenty-nine minutes of storytelling hits harder than you might expect. Performances are outstanding across the board. Without spoiling the impact of this explosive narrative, I can easily say that it is a visually exciting and thoroughly engaging dive into the metaphor for the cyclical nature of history—the cliche warning about what happens when we don’t learn from our past. I highly recommend seeking out this short. I imagine it is only the beginning for Shapiro and Topaller.

Daniel Shapiro and Alex Topaller, founders of the Aggressive design studio, deliver the US/Polish co-production ESCAPE ATTEMPT based on the Strugatsky Brothers’s novella of the same name. 


Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia 2023

FilmQuest 2023

Landshut Short Film Festival 2024

Haapsalu Horror and Fantasy Film Festival 2024


Grand Prize – FilmQuest 2023

Best Sci-Fi Short – FilmQuest 2023

Navigator Award for Best Sci-Fi Film – Haapsalu Horror and Fantasy Film Festival 2024


Daniel Shapiro, Alex Topaller


Jacek Kulczycki, Daniel Shapiro, Alex Topaller


Lukasz Tomasz Koltunowicz


Christina Lazaridi, Daniel Shapiro, Alex Topaller


Anna Burnett, Andrzej Chyra, Ieuan Coombs, Piotr Witkowski


Pils Kajetan

Fantasia 2024 posterFor all things Fantasia 2024, click here!

‘MISSING FROM FIRE TRAIL ROAD’ (Tribeca 2024) Shouting from the rooftops for their loved ones


World Premiere: Spotlight Documentary Section

Sabrina Van Tassel‘s TRIBECA 2024 documentary MISSING FROM FIRE TRAIL ROAD speaks for those without a voice. Indigenous women are in crisis. Why aren’t we talking about the statistics of missing native women? The number is vastly higher than any other group in the United States.

The film focuses on the story of Mary Ellen Johnson Davis, missing since 2020, as her family tries to piece together all the information they can, while also showing up for those in their community with similar circumstances. There are far too many unexplained disappearances and deaths for one community not to call it an epidemic.

MISSING_FROM_FIRE_TRAIL_ROAD 2The reservation has its own justice system, under which not a single white man has been prosecuted in connection to a disappearance. Families must rely on the Feds to intervene. They never do. It is endless, lawless mayhem.

Story after story, family after family, one thread connects them all. That is abuse from white outsiders. You can’t tell this story without delving into the trauma of native children stolen from their families and physically and emotionally tormented in boarding schools. MISSING FROM FIRE TRAIL ROAD delivers the horrific truth through the words of survivors.

MISSING_FROM_FIRE_TRAIL_ROAD 1A quote from a manual given to households when children the government was ripping from their homes reads, “The goal is not to make scientists, or doctors or lawyers out of these citizens. The goal is to make domestic housewives and farmers and laborers.” Keeping the population suppressed remains the goal. It’s cyclical genocide. It is the continuation of colonization, plain and simple.

The question remains. How many of these documentaries need to be made to get the message across? Tribeca 2024 audiences can share the native plight and, perhaps, move the dial toward justice. Do something.

Remaining Screenings of MISSING FROM FIRE TRAIL ROAD:

Saturday, June 15 – 11:00 AM:  AMC 19th St. East 6

Mary Ellen Johnson Davis has been missing since the eve of Thanksgiving 2020 from the Tulalip Reservation. She is only one of hundreds of Native American women who continue to go missing in the U.S. As director Sabrina Van Tassel (“The State of Texas vs Melissa”) investigates Mary Ellen’s case, dozens of Native women speak up about the violence suffered and observed by them. 


Executive Produced and featuring Deborah Parker, activist and indigenous leader, Deb Haaland, US Secretary of the Interior, to many of Mary Ellen’s friends and family, the film threads a haunting but important report about these underlooked cases and the urgency for attention and action in these investigations. 


For more Tribeca 2024 coverage, click here!

‘BLACK TABLE’ (Tribeca 2024) A vital lesson in excellence

tribeca 2024 logo


Spotlight Documentary

Feature | United States | 93 MINUTES | English

BLACK_TABLE-Tribeca 2024Yale’s Class of 97′ boasted the largest admission of black students in the university’s history. Filmmakers John Antonio James and Bill Mack bring Tribeca 2024 BLACK TABLE, a documentary that delves into the complexities of learning, thriving, and simply existing within a predominantly white Ivy environment and beyond.

The documentary interviews an array of graduates from the 90s. Each comes from a different background, but in almost every admission story, parental involvement plays a vital role in communicating with guidance counselors.

As the spouse of a Yale School of Management ’13 grad and president of The SOM Partners Club during our time in New Haven, hearing The Whiffenpoofs sing is a nostalgic sensory memory. To no one’s surprise, we are both white. The reality for the featured alum evokes vastly different experiences, particularly their introduction to the environment. One thing they all had in common is that each individual had their validity and accomplishments relentlessly challenged.

Commons is the university’s overwhelmingly beautiful dining hall. Everyone who sees it likens it to something straight out of Harry Potter. Our alums describe making room for other black students, thus creating a safe space for their community, sometimes pushing tables together to grow the joy and share their daily knowledge and experiences. It is described as black excellence training for their time on Yale’s campus.
BLACK_TABLE-Clean-02 Tribeca 2024There is no escaping the discussion of Affirmation Action, and filmmakers fully understand it. We delve into the racist talking points that thrive today in diminishing accomplishments and a sense of belonging. An explosive incident at Naples forced Yale and its student body to confront the reality of being black on campus. Rodney King changed the name of the game from a student action standpoint. Then O.J. Simpson’s trial reignited cultural tension.

A fascinating conversation surrounds reasons not to sit at the black table. Alums discuss that perhaps the table hindered their growth, their fear of branching out, and the ensuing judgment from their black peers. It is a complicated conversation that continues with their children.

The photos from the alums are storytelling gold. When friends get together in 2022, they break down their college experiences, childhoods, and ancestral wisdom. One statement from the film succinctly tackles the overall message: “Even if it were affirmative action that got you here, affirmative action is not keeping you here.” BLACK TABLE is a history lesson and a celebrated tour through years of black excellence.

Black Table

Remaining Screenings of Black Table:

For more Tribeca 2024 coverage, click here!

‘VESELKA’ (2024) doc follows a restaurant entering the global stage



New York City’s beloved Ukrainian restaurant Veselka is best known for its borscht and varenyky, but it has become a beacon of hope for Ukraine. As the second-generation owner Tom Birchard reluctantly retires after 54 years, his son Jason faces the pressures of stepping into his father’s shoes as the war in Ukraine impacts his family and staff.

The first time I ate at Veselka, I’d only lived in New York for six months. A friend of mine, a lifelong New Yorker, walked us in at 1 am. We were sober but sleepy. The palpable energy of the packed wood-paneled room woke us up before a dish was served. I remember being a little awed by the fragile ecosystem – here, Wall Street players were sitting shoulder to shoulder with grinning grandmothers. Warm chatter and the smell of fried onions filled the space. That environment, that first bowl of borscht at Veselka, was one of the many little moments that helped me feel at home in a busy, sometimes uncaring city.

Michael Fiore’s documentary, Veselka: The Rainbow on the corner at the center of the world, takes the viewer into both the history and heart of the beloved Ukrainian restaurant. With the February 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the restaurant finds itself catapulted onto a transformational crossroads. Already tested by the global pandemic, its owner, Tom Birchard, hands the reins to his son, Jason. Jason finds himself at the helm of a world-famous family business, trying to put his own stamp on the restaurant while understanding its rapidly evolving role in both the local and global Ukrainian community.

VESELKA_Press ShotThe documentary is by turns uplifting and shattering. Most powerfully, it is a stark reminder of the human costs of ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war. Unbelievably, this week will mark 2 years since Russia’s invasion and escalation of the conflict. While the war may not be at the forefront of the public conscious in 2024 to the same degree as it once was, it remains a constant for the staff and families at Veselka. This is not an overseas battle for them – these are their loved ones and families fighting and dying while the world moves on to the next crisis.

As a leader, Jason Birchard is equal parts toughness and warmth. His determination for his staff and community is inspiring.  Early in the Russian invasion, Veselka hosts Mayor Adams and his delegation to advocate for additional support for Ukraine. Watching this scene gives the viewer the rare experience of seeing an elected official being written off by a constituent in real-time. This superficial political moment stands in stark contrast to Veselka’s kitchen, which is humming with empathy and support.

Veselka: The Rainbow on the corner at the center of the world is many things. A  reminder of a brutal ongoing conflict. A challenge to the audience to remember how far the support of individuals can go in the face of global needs. A testament to the grit and determination behind a family business….And a reminder that you’ve really been craving borscht lately.

In Theaters This Friday 
February 23rd, 2024

Written, Produced, and Directed by Michael Fiore

Narrated by Golden Globe Award-winner David Duchovny (“The X Files”)
Score by Ryan Shore, featuring Grammy Award-winning saxophonist David Sanborn (“Lethal Weapon”)

Poster designed by Neil Jamieson (TIME “Person of the Year” cover artist – feat. President Zelensky)

Featuring interviews with father-son owners of Veselka Tom and Jason Birchard, additional Veselka staff as well as footage of New York Mayor Eric Adams and Governor Kathy Hochul

For more of Sam’s reviews, click here!

‘GOD & COUNTRY’ (2024) explores the twisted reality of Christian Nationalism

Oscilloscope logo


God & Country 2024 poster

What the hell happened to Conservative Christians? Growing up Catholic taught me that you feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the refugee, and love thy neighbor as yourself. What we’ve come to see is that none of those so-called values matter these days as long as the underlying hatred and cultlike lies fuel a fired-up voter base. GOD & COUNTRY takes us down the rabbit hole of skewed ethics and the genuine danger we found ourselves in at those moments in our country’s history.

God & Country 2024 Rally FlagsOn-the-ground video from January 6th, up close and personal from cell phones, retraumatizes the viewer. The new footage is mind-boggling and will undoubtedly fill you with rage and disgust. The film features sociologists, authors, historians, lawyers, and pastors. We examine the Constitution and the precise articles requiring separation of church and state. We look at evolving statistics on social issues through the years. The interconnectedness of women’s rights, race, and power is undeniable.

God & Country Faith & Freedom ImageViolence as a means of “spiritual defense” comes directly from the pulpit over and over. The film effectively builds towards January 6th by wading through the madness swirling in the years prior. It is utterly bewildering and 100 percent terrifying. This coordinated effort to keep people in a cult is deliberate and well-funded. History repeats itself. Wait until you find out the architect of Evangelical sermons.

God & Country 2024 Washington StillGOD & COUNTRY keenly explores the long history and bastardization of Christianity through White Nationalism. It is a political movement about power. America is a ticking time bomb encouraged by social media, media, and billions of dollars. Stay vigilant and show up at the polls because democracy depends on it.

Oscilloscope Laboratories’ GOD & COUNTRY,  produced by Rob Reiner and directed by Dan Partland (Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump), is opening in select theaters nationwide beginning This Friday, February 16th.


For more reviews from Oscilloscope Laboratories, click here!


Sundance 2024 review: ‘And So It Begins’

Sundance 2024 logo



AND SO IT BEGINS at Sundance 2024

Amid Filipino elections, a grassroots movement emerges to protect truth and democracy from growing threats. People unite in joyful acts of resistance, kindling hope while autocracy expands.

Returning to Sundance four years after the premiere of A THOUSAND CUTS, director Ramona S. Diaz gives audiences a companion piece about the fragility of democracy. In the Philippines in 2016, the country elected a President and Vice President from opposite political spectrums. VP Leni Robredo is a compassionate, former NGO human rights attorney. She is articulate, funny, and fearless. If you took President Biden and combined him with Hillary Clinton, you might begin to understand Leni Robredo.

The passion of the people is evident in their cries for equality. Her supporters wear pink and come from every socioeconomic background and age group. She has a special bond with the LGBTQ community. Her extraordinary grassroots campaign still fights an uphill battle against the children and candidates of the former dictatorship.

Holy misogyny, Batman! The overt corruption of President Duterte looks familiar. The US had a tyrant appear in 2016. In 2021, Leni must contend with the attacks from the outgoing president and campaign against the son of former President Fernando Marcos, one of the country’s most notorious dictators. Under his reign, martial law pervaded the Philippines, and Marcos fled with billions of dollars. BongBong Marcos Jr wants to bring back the policies that destroyed democracy. To remind you, he is also Imelda Marcos’ son. A quote that hangs on the wall of Marcos’ former vacation home, now a museum, reads, “We must make this nation great again.” Hmmm. Where have we heard that before?

AND SO IT BEGINS is simultaneously a story about journalist Maria A. Ressa, the co-founder of the news outlet Rappler. Duterte falsely convicted her of breaking laws that never existed before her arrests. Ressa dared to challenge dictators and has since paid the price for years. Their relentless pursuit of quieting Rappler will make your blood boil. A wondrous moment happens in the film as Ressa receives a phone during a Zoom panel, informing her she’s just received the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. In her acceptable speech, she tells the world about the extensive online misinformation machine built by Marcos, Jr, once again reminding viewers how fragile any democracy is.

We cannot ignore the parallels in tactics. We would be foolish to think the playbook hasn’t gotten thicker as technology replaces knocking on doors. What can we learn from AND SO IT BEGINS? History revisionism threatens everything we hold dear, so pay attention, and don’t look away.

And So It Begins (2024) poster

And So It Begins (2024) poster

Available in person. Also available online for the public (January 25–28)


Meet the Artist

Ramona S. Diaz

Ramona S. Diaz

Ramona S. Diaz’s award-winning films — Imelda (2004), The Learning (2011), DSB: Everyman’s Journey (2012), Motherland (2017), and A Thousand Cuts (2020) — have screened at top-tier film festivals and been seen globally. Diaz is both a Guggenheim Fellow and a USA Fellow. In 2021, she was named the inaugural McGurn Family Trust Resident in Film by the American Academy in Rome.








  • YEAR









    113 MIN

For more information about Sundance 2024, click here!


You can read all of our Sundance coverage throughout the years here.

Sundance Color logo 2023

Review: ‘First We Bombed New Mexico’ (2023) a chilling reminder of the hidden costs of the Trinity test


First We Bombed New Mexico

Anyone getting ready to vote Oppenheimer for best picture should first have to watch Lois Lipman’s First We Bombed New Mexico. America has much to reckon with when it comes to the legacy of the nuclear bomb – much of it on our own shores. This documentary potently explores further dark shadows this scientific achievement has left behind.

First We Bombed New Mexico still 1 The documentary follows Tina Cordova as she advocates for herself and her fellow “downwinders.” Downwinders are innocent bystanders who may have suffered negative health effects from the Trinity test  – the 1945 detonation of a newly developed nuclear weapon in New Mexico.

Cordova speaks for the many citizens who were unwillingly and unknowingly exposed to the radiation from the nuclear test. She is a compelling lead figure, warm and driven.

First We Bombed New Mexico still 2The anecdotes from the immediate aftermath of the nuclear test are truly horrifying. One particularly striking recounting involves children playing with what they thought was “warm snow, but may have actually been nuclear fallout. Still more disturbing is the potential generational effects of the test. There are recounts of stillbirths, of children born without eyes, and of widespread cases of cancer across the affected communities. Cordova herself is a thyroid cancer survivor, the 4th generation in her family to have cancer since the test in 1945.

The struggles of Cordova and her fellow downwinders seem relentless. Their end goals – formal recognition and an apology from the US government – seem so meager in comparison to the widespread challenges they face. It is easy for the audience to lose hope. Those expecting a neat resolution will be disappointed. But for those willing to explore the messy history behind Trinity, this documentary proves a worthwhile watch.

An inspiring Hispanic cancer survivor bangs on the corridors of power to fight for compensation and an apology for Native and Hispanic communities in New Mexico whose land and water was radiated by the Trinity Bomb.





Official Film Website: FirstWeBombedNewMexico.com


Instagram: @FirstWeBombedNMFilm

Facebook: @FirstWeBombedNewMexicoFilm

X (Twitter): @FirstWeBombedNM

Click here for more of Sam’s reviews!

Review: The Bloomquist Brothers satirical, political slasher ‘FOUNDERS DAY’ earns your gory adoration.

Dark Sky Films Logo


Founders Day - Theatrical Poster

Synopsis: In this bold political slasher from the Bloomquist Brothers, a small town is shaken by a series of ominous killings in the days leading up to a heated mayoral election. As accusations fly and the threat of a masked killer darkens every street corner, the residents must race to uncover the truth before fear consumes the town.

Founders Day Still 1 - Credit David Apuzzo Mainframe PicturesPolitical spin can make or break a campaign. Those few who possess the skill have the power to command entire nations. In the Bloomquist Brothers’ latest film, FOUNDERS DAY, a small-town mayoral race brings chaos in the form of a serial killer dressed as, you guessed it, a twisted Founding Father straight out of a cliche painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. As members of the town of Fairwood get knocked off, one by one, the race is one to find the killer and their ultimate motive. Tackling every political hot-button issue and tactic with a bucket of gore, FOUNDERS DAY is here to mix things up.

Naomi Grace

Naomi Grace in Founders Day

The cast is chockful of familiar and talented faces. Naomi Grace is Alison. Her character endures relentless trauma, and Grace handles it like a pro. Andrew Stewart-Jones plays Alison’s father, Thomas. He is someone that should be on Jordan Peele‘s radar. This guy is a star. Devin Druid is Adam, the son of Mayoral candidate Harold Faulkner. Druid eats this complicated character for breakfast. He is magnificent.

William Russ in Founders Day

William Russ in Founders Day

Jayce Bartok plays Faulkner with an over-the-top air straight out of Mad TV. Amy Hargreaves is the current mayor, Blair Gladwell. Her sass and seriousness are a perfect fit for the satire. Director Erik Bloomquist plays Oliver, Gladwell’s right-hand man. He is amazing. William Russ plays the beloved local teacher, Mr. Jackson. Like me, you might know him as Corey’s dad from Boy Meets World. In FOUNDERS DAY, Russ offers the audience the same emotional, moral anchor we loved so much. Catherine Curtin plays Police Commissioner Peterson. Her overly dramatic comedic timing is a thing of the gods. Give her an entire franchise solving small-town murders, I beg of you.

Founders Day

Founders Day

Bloomquist uses key political phrases that anyone living through the ridiculousness of the country since 2015 knows all too well. From the faux outrage, sugary glad-handing, and infighting, what’s a little murder between neighbors. The idea of political tribalism hits you square in the face. You’re simultaneously intrigued and giggling. The kills are brutal as hell. Bloomquist gives us the customary obnoxious ancillary characters but anchors the film with fleshed-out, small-town folks we all relate to. No one is safe, and you have to respect that. The screenplay delivers twist after twist. Don’t for one second think you know what’s going on. The inspirations from SCREAM are unmissable. AK Roy’s end credits kick ass. FOUNDERS DAY has all the makings of a cult classic, with an ending so nuanced it garnered my vote.


Releasing in theaters nationwide on January 19


The newest film from the Bloomquist Brothers (Ten Minutes to Midnight) marks the reunion of 13 Reasons Why duo Devin Druid and Amy Hargreaves, who join an ensemble cast including William Russ (Boy Meets World), Catherine Curtin (Stranger Things), Naomi Grace (NCIS), Emilia McCarthy (SkyMed), Jayce Bartok (SubUrbia), Olivia Nikkanen (The Society), and Andrew Stewart-Jones (Gotham). 



Distribution Company: Dark Sky Films
Production Company: Mainframe Pictures
Release Date: January 19, 2024
Director: Erik Bloomquist
Screenwriters: Erik Bloomquist, Carson Bloomquist
Producers: Erik Bloomquist, Carson Bloomquist, Adam Weppler
Cast: Devin Druid, Emilia McCarthy, Amy Hargreaves, Catherine Curtin, William Russ, Naomi Grace, Olivia Nikkanen, Jayce Bartok, Andrew Stewart Jones, Tyler James White, Erik Bloomquist, Adam Weppler, Kate Edmonds, Dylan Slade, Arun Cameron Storrs
Social Media (Instagram, TikTok & Facebook): @FoundersDayMovie


Sundance 2024 preview: A film for everyone at the festival’s 40th Edition.

Sundance Film Festival 2024 Color Logo
The Sundance Film Festival has launched the careers of indie film directors, writers, and actors now for 40 years. Back with in-person and online screening opportunities, this year’s iteration boasts new and bold storytelling from every genre. Here are a handful of films we’ll track in 2024.


For more information and tickets to Sundance 2024, click here! Be on the lookout for shared coverage with our good friend, Steve Kopian, at Unseen Films. To see all of his reviews and what he’s looking forward to this year, head over to his home base.

(World Cinema Dramatic Competition)

S till from the Sundance film SUJO
When a cartel gunman is killed, he leaves behind Sujo, his beloved 4-year-old son. The shadow of violence surrounds Sujo during each stage of his life in the isolated Mexican countryside. As he grows into a man, Sujo finds that fulfilling his father’s destiny may be inescapable.

A movie about time and trauma, this beautifully acted and hauntingly written film from the directors of Identifying Features will be sure to captivate audiences. 

This film contains strobe effects.
Available in person. Also available online for the public (January 25–28)

40th Edition Celebration Screenings And Events


DIG! XX tracks the tumultuous rise of two talented musicians, Anton Newcombe, leader of the Brian Jonestown Massacre, and Courtney Taylor, leader of the Dandy Warhols, and dissects their star-crossed friendship and bitter rivalry. Through their loves and obsessions, gigs and recordings, arrests and death threats, uppers and downers, and ultimately to their chance at a piece of the profit-driven music business, they stage a self-proclaimed revolution in the music industry.

DIG! premiered at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival in the U.S. Documentary Competition, where it ultimately won the Grand Jury Prize in the documentary category. DIG! XX, which will premiere at the upcoming Festival, is not only a digitally enhanced, remixed, and remastered version of DIG!, but also a special 20th anniversary new edit of the film culled from footage shot over seven years, and brought to you by the original sibling team, Ondi and David Timoner.

*Digitally enhanced and featuring new footage


And So It Begins

Amidst the traditional pomp and circumstance of Filipino elections, a quirky people’s movement rises to defend the nation against deepening threats to truth and democracy. In a collective act of joy as a form of resistance, hope flickers against the backdrop of increasing autocracy.

Available in person. Also available online for the public (January 25–28)

(World Cinema Documentary Competition)

Eternal You

Startups are using AI to create avatars that allow relatives to talk with their loved ones after they have died. An exploration of a profound human desire and the consequences of turning the dream of immortality into a product.

“I wanted to see if he was okay,” explains Christi, one of the users of Project December. With this innovative software, users can communicate with a virtual version of the deceased through a chatbot that simulates the dead person’s conversation patterns. Hers was an attempt to check on her first love. Others may simply miss someone, seek permission to move on, or want to rid themselves of guilt.

At this point, I think we’ve all seen the app that turns photos into moving images. The idea feels equally sentimental and disturbing. Eternal You takes this tech further, begging the question, “How far are we willing to go to feel connected to those we’ve lost, and how might that affect our brains?” 

Available in person. Also available online for the public (January 25–28)

World Cinema Documentary Competition

A New Kind of Wilderness

In a forest in Norway, a family lives an isolated lifestyle in an attempt to be wild and free, but a tragic event changes everything, and they are forced to adjust to modern society.

Silje Evensmo Jacobsen mixes home movies and a carefully intimate approach to the Payne family, whose isolated existence gets shaken up quite suddenly. This beautiful portrait of connection and resilience in the face of grief will touch your heart.

Available in person. Also available online for the public (January 25–28)



An experiential portrait depicting Satanists in both the every day and in the extraordinary as they fight to preserve their lifestyle: magic, mystery, and misanthropy.

Filmmaker Scott Cummings is no stranger to Sundance, having edited many highly acclaimed festival premieres over the past decade, including Never Rarely Sometimes Always, Monsters and Men, and Wendy.

When I tell you that you aren’t ready for this doc, I mean it in the best way possible. Created to ruffle feathers and dispel right-wing hypocrisy, Scott Cummings titillates with gorgeous framing and a touch of tongue-in-cheek magical realism. 

This film contains graphic sexual content. Audiences must be 18 or older.

Available in person. Also available online for the public (January 25–28)


My Old Ass

Maisy Stella and Aubrey Plaza in Sundance film MY OLD ASS

Maisy Stella and Aubrey Plaza in the Sundance film MY OLD ASS

The summer before college, bright-yet-irreverent Elliott comes face-to-face with her older self during a mushroom trip. The encounter spurs a funny and heartfelt journey of self-discovery and first love as Elliott prepares to leave her childhood home.

The concept alone should get your butt into a seat, but filmmaker Megan Park casting Aubrey Plaza is chef’s kiss in indie cinema.


I Saw the TV Glow

Justice Smith and Brigette Lundy-Paine  in I SAW THE TV GLOW

Justice Smith and Brigette Lundy-Paine in I SAW THE TV GLOW

Teenager Owen is just trying to make it through life in the suburbs when his classmate introduces him to a mysterious late-night TV show — a vision of a supernatural world beneath their own. In the pale glow of the television, Owen’s view of reality begins to crack.

Writer-director Jane Schoenbrun’s We’re All Going to the World’s Fair (2021 Sundance Film Festival) gave us one of the coolest genre-bending films with a breakout performance from star Anna Cobb. I cannot wait to see how this one twists my sanity and senses. 

This film contains violence and gore.

This film contains strobe effects.

Sundace Film Festival 2024 Black and White logoTo find out more information on all things Sundance 2024, head to https://festival.sundance.org/


Review: Now available on HBO and MAX, ‘TIME BOMB Y2K’ recalls hysteria and provides a warning.


Time Bomb Y2K poster features a desktop being crushed by the times square new years eve ball drop

Synopsis: As the clock counts down to the dawn of the 21st century, the world faces the largest potential technological disaster to ever threaten humanity. The problem is comically simple yet incredibly complex – a bug that could cause computers to misinterpret the year 2000 as 1900, sowing chaos throughout the world as electronic systems failed. Crafted entirely through archival footage, TIME BOMB Y2K is a prescient and often humorous tale about the power and vulnerabilities of technology. By re-appraising both the cooperative efforts and mass hysteria surrounding this millennial milestone, TIME BOMB Y2K explores how modern life has been dramatically transformed by the digital revolution.


The most hyped fearmongering moment of the end of the 20th century began in the few years before the ball dropped on Dec 31st, 1999. I was a freshman in college when Y2K was all the craze. The media had us believing we were on the brink of global collapse and that anything housing a computer chip would cease to work. In reality, nothing happened. But the concept of Y2K feels much more apocalyptic today.

TIME BOMB Y2K consists entirely of archival footage. Interviews with experts and talking heads at the time give the audience a perfect insight into how fringe groups thrive today. The pure wonder of new technology on the faces of those featured is fantastic nostalgia for those of us who lived through those few years. Anyone born after Y2K might find the doc either shocking or terrifying. Putting things into perspective as we enter into 2024, if the global internet went down, there would be genuine chaos. What would keyboard warriors do without the ability to share their BS and vitriol? In all seriousness, we exist in a capitalist economy that leans heavily on wifi and online presence. What would younger generations do without practical skills? How would it affect our ability to access money? Would modern vehicles start? Entertainment outside of live theatre would disappear.

TIME BOMB Y2K makes terrific points about the effects of technology on human interaction. The film delves into how certain groups of people reacted during the unknown. Some folks became preppers, while others cried “Hoax” from the beginning. It’s a perfect metaphor for the power of disinformation, closely mirroring how a particular subsection of alt-right people think a homegrown militia uprising is coming. I had no idea this existed in preparation for Y2K. We have to take into consideration how the world reacted during COVID. The potential for violence equals the potential for peace. It is a fine line.

If anything, TIME BOMB Y2K reminds us of the delicate balance of power. It introduces very fundamental questions about humanity’s ability to survive without technology. It’s a dizzying dichotomy of ideas, perhaps proving nothing has changed, and it’s only gotten worse. It’s a sobering conversation starter.

The HBO Original documentary TIME BOMB Y2K, directed by Brian Becker and Marley McDonald, and executive produced by award-winning filmmaker Penny Lane (HBO’s “Listening to Kenny G”), debuts SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on HBO and will be available to stream on Max.

Now streaming and out on Blu-ray today, Shem Bitterman’s ‘DISTANT TALES’ tackles the good, the bad, and the ugly of humanity and isolation


In a near-future dystopia, when a worldwide event means people can no longer meet face to face, four stories — PLACEBO, PLEASE LOG ON, TOUCH, and R NOUGHT — unfold with unexpected revelations as the screens through which they connect hide the twisted reality of their lives.

Writer-director Shem Bitterman

Writer-director Shem Bitterman taps into human nature with four stories that capture the echoes of the Covid lockdown. The dialogue is theatrical. DISTANT TALES could easily transition from screen to stage. The real-time, intensely intimate vulnerability would be electric. It already pours off the screen.

TOUCHCo-workers surreptitiously connect over late-night Zoom calls. Once discovered by their partners, Ben and Seraphina show their true colors. Samuel Martin Lewis gives Ben a relatable longing. The performance from Tiffany Wolff is chilling.

A job interview goes off the rails when the effects of prolonged isolation rear their ugly head. Liz Fenning gives Beth an irritable edge and desperation we all recognized during lockdown. Rupak Ginn is Rohit, a character in the opposite headspace. This segment presents the viewer with an awkward moral dilemma.

PLACEBOThe head of a clinical trial and one of her subjects find common ground through culture and shameless flirting but clash over social distancing protocols and the trial’s progress. Amen Igbinosun plays Ese as a jovial spirit. His physical and emotional journey is heartbreaking. Carolyn Michelle Smith balances skepticism and kindness. It is a nuanced turn.

R NOUGHTThis intense piece explores online extremism and conspiracy theories with phenomenal performances from Ben Bowen and Christoper Curry. An online talking head pushes a grieving husband to take up arms against the government. Can he battle his emotions and resist the influences in his life?

As a whole, DISTANT TALES tackles all the chaos of lockdown in complex ways. Each story gets under the audience’s skin for vastly different reasons. If nothing else, Bitterman’s keen observation of human desperation will undoubtedly have people talking.

“Distant Tales” trailer:


The dark psychological thriller, DISTANT TALES, a 4-part anthology from writer/director, award-winning playwright, Shem Bitterman (who, as a young screenwriter, wrote HALLOWEEN 5) and executive produced by Oscar-winner, Tom Schulman (Academy Award – Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen “Dead Poet’s Society”), will be released on Blu-ray December 12.

What’s Your Story?

Los Angeles, CA (November 30, 2023) – After a two-month exclusive run on Cable TV OnDemand with Xfinity, Spectrum, and Contour, DISTANT TALES, from acclaimed playwright and screenwriter writer/director Shem Bitterman and executive producer and Oscar-winner Tom Schulman (“Dead Poet’s Society”), is now available on iTunes, Amazon.com, and Vudu. The film will be available on additional streaming platforms later in December. Pre-orders are now available for the December 12 Blu-Ray release on Amazon.com.

DISTANT TALES, a dark, four-part dramatic anthology where desire, madness and a struggle for love erupt in a dystopic future after a worldwide event prevents people from meeting face to face, was filmed in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In DISTANT TALES four individual stories set during a worldwide pandemic unfold with unexpected twists and revelations: an extramarital affair, cut short by a pandemic and continued online; a mysterious job interview, overseen by an unseen judge; a vaccine trial, where a burgeoning love leads to some bad decisions; a grieving dad who finds sympathy from an online advocate for violence.