‘MOM’ (2025) Emily Hampshire wows in this visceral watch. It will haunt your soul.


Mom poster

Being a mom to a newborn is overwhelming. The isolation, judgemental eyes, unsolicited advice, sleep deprivation, and the death of your former self can eat you alive. There is no way to adequately explain the transformation of our mental, emotional, and physical being unless you have experienced it personally. Adam O’Brien brings audiences a film that tackles all these elements with a horror twist. MOM stars Emily Hampshire as a new mother struggling to connect with her newborn son. Her unforgiving husband only exacerbates each new challenge, leading to the darkest outcomes for this little family.

Mom Jared and Meredith - Rotten Tomatoes - [www.rottentomatoes.com]As a mother of two, I will never forget those days of newborn life. Lack of sleep almost drove me to the edge. In MOM, Hampshire skillfully captures the nuance of first-time parenting like I have never seen portrayed onscreen before. Screenwriter Philip Kalin-Hajdu combines each new hardship with unresolved trauma, and the marriage of those two stories makes for the perfect storytelling storm.

François Arnaud is loathsome, which means he is doing a fantastic job. His careless reactionary blaming makes him punchable. Arnaud’s version of Jared will make you want to scream. Mothers will immediately recognize the pattern of behavior.

Mom Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes - [www.rottentomatoes.com]Emily Hampshire nails this role. Her chameleon abilities shine once again in Meredith. Hampshire is so compelling you cannot take your eyes off her. She delivers an emotional torrent that burrows into your psyche. It is truly startling.

The editing, sound, and cinematography are fantastic. Often jarring in nature, they match the tone from the first frame. MOM delves into the stress of default parenting, the impossible expectations we put on women, the pressure to bond, and the insurmountable grief that digs into your soul. The film is a physical manifestation of PPD and unresolved trauma. MOM is a hauntingly visceral watch. You will feel it in your bones.

MOM Trailer:

Uncork’d Entertainment will release the postpartum horror MOM in select theaters beginning February 7 before arriving on digital/VOD platforms on February 11.

Starring Emily Hampshire, known for her acclaimed role in “Schitt’s Creek,” the film made its world premiere at Glasgow FrightFest in 2024, receiving praise for its haunting exploration of motherhood and psychological trauma.

MOM follows a struggling mother (Hampshire) who is abandoned by her family and partner after a horrific incident. As she falls further into isolation, she begins to be haunted by a sinister entity that is determined to make her relive her darkest moments. Delving into the darker side of motherhood, Mom is an intelligent and original take on the family-based horror story.

Directed by Adam O’Brien and written by Philip Kalin-Hajdu, the film also stars François Arnaud (Marlowe) and Christian Convery (Cocaine Bear). Producing are Delirium Pictures and Kinetic Film Group.

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‘IT’S COMING’ (2024) A Multi-generational American Haunting

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Filmmaker Shannon Alexander delivers a chilling documentary about one family’s tumultuous home life in IT’S COMING. Ashley Roland has a gift, although she may feel it’s more of a curse. Her ability to see beyond the veil began at age eleven. Now a mother of five children and having moved back to her family’s Brooklyn apartment, entities are haunting everyone, particularly her young son, Javier. A black figure is making life incredibly frightening.

It's Coming_28Ashley can see and hear spirits. The physical and mental toll is obvious, despite her shockingly calm demeanor. She has become so accustomed to her circumstances, and not much ruffles her feathers, until she realizes how deep the negative energy goes.

The film’s structure features sit-down interviews with Ashley and some of her children. She describes her family history and evolving abilities. Alexander accidentally captures small paranormal incidents on camera, predominantly while Javier and Ashley speak. Blink and you’ll miss it, Alexander seamlessly replays those seconds in slow motion, making audiences aware of what they’ve just witnessed. We also get a glimpse of Ashley’s home security footage. Unsurprisingly, the activity increases when the family addresses them in interviews.

It's_Coming_25Ashley brings in medium Soledad Haren to cleanse the apartment. She provides viewers with paranormal canon, reasons, and triggers for an uptick in activity. It is a solid checklist if you aren’t a connoisseur of this genre. Like clockwork, incidents get worse. An acrid odor pervades their apartment, so intense it triggers CO2 alarms and multiple fire department visits. Soledad returns with her spirit box and performs an automatic writing session, providing few answers and more questions.

It's_Coming_28A husband and wife team of demonologists, Chris and Harmony DeFlorio, arrive with all the electronic bells and whistles. We see their footage intercut with Shannon’s. The results are undeniably unsettling. This is the point where Ashley finally breaks. It is the first time we see her cry and become physically unwell. When you witness the effect on Chris and Harmony, your heart rate increases tenfold. The comparisons to England’s most infamous haunting, The Enfield Poltergeist, are inevitable.

It's ComingJavier’s personality slowly changes throughout the long months of filming. He describes a growing friendship with the black entity he calls Kitty. If you know anything about the paranormal, you understand how dangerous this is. You can track what looks like disassociation creeping onto his face. Something is affecting this child, whether it’s his mother’s energy or something genuinely sinister is up to the viewer, but I’ve not been this disturbed by a paranormal documentary in a long time. The final scene will send a shiver down your spine. IT’S COMING will haunt your mind long after the credits roll. You’ll question everything.

IT’S COMING Trailer:

“It’s Coming” which debuted at Hot Docs, is being released by Freestyle Digital Media in North America on November 12th.

Ashley Roland, a wife and mother of 5, has been beset by supernatural entities since the age of 11. After returning to her family’s ancestral Brooklyn apartment, she begins to witness strange events in her home and learns that her children are now experiencing the same. As the paranormal encounters begin to escalate, Ashley attempts to rid her house of malevolent spirits along with specialists in the field.


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‘FILTHY ANIMALS’ (2024) Superbly unhinged vigilante shit, and that’s a compliment.

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Filthy Animals poster

James T. North provides audiences with delicious and wickedly dark humor in his latest film. Set on Christmas Eve, FILTHY ANIMALS tells the story of two misfits, Lars, a thrill-seeking drug enthusiast, and Freddy, a bodybuilder recently out of rehab, who hunt down child sexual predators.

FilthyAnimals_grd04_Rec709_1.529.1.png - Powered by Box - app.box.comThis oddball team of modern-day outlaws fearlessly tracks down society’s worst with hypnotic nonchalance. It is no wonder the film had a field day on the festival circuit—the cast rules. Raymond S. Barry is phenomenal as Lester. Mena Elizabeth Santos is equally deranged, letting the intrusive thoughts win.

FilthyAnimals_grd04_Rec709_1.624.1.tif - Powered by Box - app.box.comRyan Patrick Brown delivers an unexpectedly gentle turn as Freddy. Focusing on gains rather than violence, his love for his Baba and adoration for Westerns fit perfectly into this weird puzzle. Austan Wheeler delivers a comedically unhinged performance playing Lars. He is a coked-up loose cannon and motivator/bad influence for Freddy. Wheeler’s toxic aggression gets a pass due to his vigilante goals.

FILTHY ANIMALS standoff stillRobby Ngai‘s editing is applause-worthy. North provides enough meat to expand into a series. There is much to explore within these characters. Each one deserves an entire episode for their backstory.

FilthyAnimals_grd04_Rec709_1.945.1.png - Powered by Box - app.box.comThe film celebrates the morally grey areas of life. The fantasy sequences bleed into the narrative like a gift. Memorable, singular, and sensorial FILTHY ANIMALS is the epitome of cult indie filmmaking.

Freestyle Digital Media’s newest crime thriller FILTHY ANIMALS with a Western, holiday twist, opens in select theaters and will be available on VOD on Friday, December 13th.


Written and Directed by JAMES T. NORTH



96 minutes | Crime, Thriller | 2024 | English | USA

MPA Rated R for language, violence, sexual references, drug material


Official Site: www.filthyanimalsmovie.com

IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11468144/

Instagram: @FilthyAnimalsMovie

Facebook: @FilthyAnimalsMovie

X: @FilthyAnimalzzz

#FilthyAnimalsMovie    #ABadDayInTheSouthBay


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‘PERSONA’ (2024) A clever, chameleon nightmare.


Persona poster

Director Mike Ho and screenwriter Blyth Kemp deliver a chaotic bullet train of panic and blurry flashes with PERSONA. Two trapped women with vastly different outlooks must come together to survive the isolated cabin of a serial killer. As each spirals in and out of manic episodes, the other counters her with brave calm. They must work together to survive the unthinkable.

Persona Set Stills for PR-36Sophia Ali is Sam, a fiery, take no shit woman whose severe injury and unresolved trauma threaten to end her fight. Ali nails every beat. You are rooting for her every second she is on screen.

Persona Set Stills for PR-56Shanti Lowry gives Tricia a hopeful nature. Underneath is a mess of cryptic hallucinations and garbled memories. Lowry moves through the character with grace amongst the unpredictable.

There is one performance that blows the viewer away. Andrew Howard is unforgettable in a purely schizophrenic, award-worthy turn.

Persona Set Stills for PR-4Ho’s editing is quick and clever. Some of the most effective moments come as the women imagine rescue scenarios for better or worse. PERSONA taps into every true-crime-obsessed female fear. It’s like some demented practice run for very real circumstances. The film boasts an explosive final act. This pulse-pounding, dark ending is worth the wait.

PERSONA Trailer:



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‘YEAR 10’ (2024) A frightening glimpse into humanity’s darkness. What can we learn from this dialogue-less apocalyptic thriller?

Blue fox LogoYEAR 10

Year 10 poster

In a post-apocalyptic world of cannibals, a man (Toby Goodger) fights wild dogs, nature, and a violent tribe to save his love (Hannah Khalique-Brown) and avenge his father (Duncan Lacroix).

Filmmaker Benjamin Goodger brings audiences a pulse-pounding apocalyptic thriller in YEAR 10. After the world has turned to cannibalism, one man embarks on a dangerous journey of vengeance and medicine to save the woman he loves. 

Year10_Grab000002Somber natural lighting sets the tone for Year 10 from the get-go. The sweeping and ominous score plunges us deep into this near-future reality of sadness and violence. The team raises the bar even further by including heartbeat sounds, heavy drums, and dazzling strings. 

year 10 still 2The film is a genuine family affair. Scan the credits for the many Goodgers involved in this magnificent production. Charlie Googger‘s handheld camera work is immersive and beautifully choreographed.  Year 10 is quite a feat. This feature-length film with zero dialogue captivates with stunning performances wrought with panic and desperation. Toby Goodger is outstanding. His furious passion and fearless energy carry the entire movie. 

year 10 Toby goodgerThe script juxtaposes two survival styles, one of heart and kindness, and the other savagely selfish and brutal. The lack of dialogue never lessens the intensity. If anything, it allows raw emotion to convey each beat. YEAR 10 taps into the best and worst of humanity’s most feral instincts.

Year 10 Trailer:

YEAR 10 – Intense Apocalyptic Thriller In theaters and on VOD December 6th

Genre: Horror/Sci-fi / Apocalyptic Thriller
Distributor: Blue Fox Entertainment
Production company: Family Pictures
Directed by: Ben Goodger
Written by: Ben Goodger
Produced by: Bill Kenwright
Executive Producers: David Gilbery, Naomi George
Cast:Toby Goodger, Duncan Lacroix, Hannah Khalique-Brown, Luke Massy, Emma Cole, Alexander Anderson, King Gayle, Jessica Zerlina-Leafe, Tom Gaskin
Logline: In a post-apocalyptic world, a man battles cannibals and wild dogs to save his love and avenge his father.
Synopsis: 10 Years after the fall of civilization, cannibalism has become the only option for humanity’s dwindling survivors. When a violent tribe murders his father and steals the medicine keeping his love interest alive, our protagonist must embark on a treacherous journey battling the elements, packs of vicious wild dogs, and the cannibal group, or else lose the only thing he has left.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21154574
Runtime: 97 minutes
Country: UK
Language: English

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‘THE FIX’ (2024) A runaway train of complex storytelling and visual intrigue.

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TheFix_ PosterFilmmaker Kelsey Egan brings audiences THE FIX. The near future film occurs where toxic air is slowly poisoning the population, and only the wealthy have access to treatment. Ella exists in the shadow of her recently deceased supermodel mother. Thinking she’s taking a party drug, Ella accidentally ingests an experimental synthetic, causing accelerated and unpredictable mutations inside and out. Ella becomes the target of both the drug dealers and global big pharma Aethera. THE FIX is much more nuanced and endlessly intriguing. It is sci-fi, action, thriller, and everything in between. 

THE FIX_Master_Frame Grab_01.09.39.18Icon Clancy Brown plays Aethera patriarch. Anytime he appears in a film, it elevates the entire production. Robyn Rossouw delivers a fear-soaked performance as Ella’s best friend, Gina. Huge accolades for Keenan Harrison and Tina Redman as they prove their acting chops, but I’ll let you discover their vital roles on your own. It is truly A+ work from both.

Daniel Sharman gives Eric zen confidence before revealing a sinister motive. The arrogance pours off of him. He is perfectly punchable in his underlying deep-seated daddy issues and self-loathing. Grace Van Dien (Stranger Things) owns this film. She gives Ella similar energy to Mila Jovovich in the Resident Evil franchise. Van Dien is an effortless badass. With each new role, she proves her talent. I hope she’s getting the dollar amount she deserves.

THE FIX_Master_Frame Grab_01.23.13.21Production is spectacular. Props are sleek, costumes are clean but unique, and the sets are just as applause-worthy in their minimalist glory. The special FX makeup team gives us top-notch originality. Read More – Bizzbuzz.news is one of the top sites that gives you latest on super clone watches.

The script mimics global politics with a razor-sharp edge. COVID is undoubtedly an inspiration, and the similarities to something like Spiderman are undeniable, but THE FIX offers a unique version of the origin story trope. Beautifully woven into Egan’s work, you cannot miss the magical creature allegory.

The Fix (2024) - www.imdb.comTHE FIX could seamlessly expand into a multiple-season series. There is so much well-developed canon that audiences would tune in without hesitation. Tackling ethics, capitalism, and the fragility of humanity, THE FIX has arrived to entertain and challenge.

The Fix Trailer:

Available on VOD this Friday, November 22nd


A toxic compound infects Earth’s atmosphere. Pharmaceutical giant, Aethera, sells immunity… but most can’t afford the daily dose. When a troubled model takes a new drug at a party, she suffers a shocking transformation. Pursued by a dangerous gang and authorities in cahoots with Aethera, she hunts for a “fix” to reverse the drug’s effects, only to discover her mutations may be the key to saving the human race.

Director: Kelsey Egan

Producers: Greig Buckle, Allison Friedman, Jeremy Walton, David Lyons and Egan

Executive Producers: Showmax, Moo Studios and Van Dien.

Cast: Grace Van Dien, Daniel Sharman, Keenan Arrison, Tina Redman, Robyn Rossouw, Tafara Nyatsanza, Nicole Fortuin and Clancy Brown

Genre: Sci-Fi Thriller

Language: English

Runtime: 98 minutes

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‘THE SHADE’ (2024) A slow burn of manifested grief and reclamation of power.

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Filmmaker Tyler Chipman brings us the tale of a young man reeling in the aftermath of unresolved childhood trauma. THE SHADE is a slow spiral into darkness. 

Ryan is the middle child and the man of the house since his father’s death. He is someone who tries and fails to hide all the pain. Upon the unscheduled return of his older brother into the house, Ryan must confront the demons lurking just beneath the surface or else.

It’s so nice to see Brendan Sexton III again. He is such a force of nature and a fantastic addition. Germain Arroyo is Ryan’s best friend, Nicholas. His energy is a much-needed break from the sullen overtone. He is a star. 

TheShade_Still06_1920x1080Laura Benanti plays the family matriarch, Renee. She adds authentic warmth to every role. Even if her scenes are few and far between, she steals every single one. Dylan McTee plays the eldest brother, Jason. He exudes hurt with an overly aggressive demeanor that perfectly suits the role. 

Chris Galust gives Ryan a wounded exhaustion that pours off him. Suffering from unspeakable childhood trauma all while trying to keep his chaotic family together, Galust delivers an emotional rollercoaster, panic attacks and all. 

TheShade_Still07_1920x1080There are a few particularly memorable shots by cinematographer Tom Fitzgerald. Heather Benson and the makeup department give us startling work. They deserve all the applause. 

The film is a slow burn with a tense low vibration under each beat. It is 45 minutes until the menace manifests outside the immense toxicity between the two eldest brothers. Ten minutes later, a chill goes down your spine. 

TheShade_Still01_1920x1080What gets the pulse-pounding is undeniably well done. Chipman and cowriter David Purdy use dreams as a gateway to terror. Perry Blackshear‘s WHEN I CONSUME YOU would be a great companion watch for THE SHADE. Similar themes weave throughout both films. Come to think of it, add Jennifer Kent’s THE BABADOOK to that list. 

Mental health, anguish, and horror combined to create a unique narrative approach. My advice to audiences is to be patient. Focus on the performances and the underlying metaphor. It is a powerful payoff.

The Shade Trailer:






WINNER Best Special Effects – Days of the Dead Film Festival

WINNER Best Directing – Days of the Dead Film Festival

WINNER Best First Time Filmmaker – Days of the Dead Film Festival

WINNER Jury Award Best Feature Film – Snowdance Independent Film Festival

WINNER Silver Audience Award – Brooklyn Horror Film Festival

WINNER Jury Prize Best Feature Film Director – FogFest

WINNER Jury Prize Best Actor in a Feature Film Chris Galust – FogFest

WINNER Jury Prize Best Feature Film – FogFest

NOMINATED Best Feature Film, Best Villain, Best in Show, Best Actor Chris Galust,

Best Stunts, Best Cinematography, Best Ensemble Cast, Best Production Design – Days of the Dead Film Festival

NOMINATED Best Writing – FogFest

Directed by

Tyler Chipman

Written by

Tyler Chipman and David Purdy

Produced by

David Purdy

Director of Photography

Acton Fitzgerald


Chris Galust, Laura Benanti, Dylan McTee, Mariel Molino, Germain Arroyo, Brendan Sexton III, Sam Duncan, Michael Boatman


Ryan Beckman, a 20-year-old college student from a declining town in the northeast, struggles with a debilitating anxiety disorder following his father’s death. His older brother, Jason, returns home unexpectedly while battling his own demons. Together with his younger brother James, Ryan struggles to break the destructive cycle threatening their family as an ancient darkness closes in on them.


RUN-TIME: 127 minutes


DIGITAL RELEASE: November 22nd

STUDIO/DISTRIBUTOR: Level 33 Entertainment

GENRE: Drama, Thriller, Psychological Thriller, Horror

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‘FALLING STARS’ (2024) Living lore and the consequences of disrespect.


Falling Stars poster

Witches are real in the feature debut of director/producer duo Gabriel Bienczycki and Richard Karpala‘s FALLING STARS. On the first night of Harvest, three brothers go to the desert to see a witch’s corpse.

The film exists in a world where deeply embedded folklore is canon. While our boys initially visit the site with an excited and carefree attitude, their fear becomes palpable when they accidentally desecrate the body.

Falling_Stars_03There is a reminiscent feeling in FALLING STARS, some that reminds me of 80s classics like The Gate and The Lost Boys, with the glow of red dashboard hues, flashlights, and the moon being the dominant lighting sources. The cinematography by Bienczycki has an intimacy to it. Karpala’s screenplay is just downright cool. It is genuinely refreshing to witness masculinity based on regret and an apologetic undertone.

This ensemble cast is fantastic. Diane Worman plays the boys’ mother, Danni. She delivers a magnificent arc. Rene Leech gives Adam authentic baby brother energy with a need to please and an impressionable mind.

Falling_Stars_01J. Aaron Boykin is the mainstay of this film. As radio DJ Barry, he opens the film and acts as a narrative conduit for Mike’s panic. Andrew Gabriel is Sal, the middle brother. His caring nature and fixer attitude beg your attention. Shaun Duke Jr. gives Mike a tentative bravery and a strong sense of responsibility. He is the protector, for better or for worse.

FALLING STARS is a unique revenge horror that digs into witch lore, respecting tradition and an immaculate political undertone. Boasting a jaw-dropping and cinematically stunning finale, it’s a bit of pure genre magic.


The acclaimed folk horror film arrives on VOD and in select U.S. cinemas on Friday, October 11th!


FALLING STARS is the feature debut of director/producer duo Richard Karpala and Gabriel Bienczycki, featuring an original screenplay by Karpala and cinematography by Bienczycki.

Starring Rene Leech, Shaun Duke Jr., Andrew Gabriel, Diane Worman, and Greg Poppa, the film World Premiered on the Piazza Grande at the Locarno Film Festival and went on to screen at Fantastic Fest, Calgary Underground, Splat! Film Fest, and more.


About XYZ Films 
XYZ Films is an independent studio whose mission is to empower visionary storytellers from every corner of the planet. XYZ was founded in 2008 by Nate Bolotin, Nick Spicer, and Aram Tertzakian and has expanded in recent years into documentary, talent management, and distribution. Some of the company’s classic titles include THE RAID franchise, 2017 Sundance winner I DON’T FEEL AT HOME IN THIS WORLD ANYMORE, and Panos Cosmatos’ psychedelic revenge thriller MANDY.


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‘ME, MYSELF, & THE VOID’ (2024) Comedy, mental health, and a mystery.


me Myself & the Void poster

Tim Hautekiet‘s Me, Myself, & the Void follows comedian Jack after one bad night on stage morphs into an out-of-body experience when he wakes up in a rudimentary version of his apartment, looking over his body on the bathroom floor, with no idea what’s going on. Alongside the manifested versions of his best friend and ex-girlfriend, Jack must navigate through his issues and fading memories to figure out how he got there before it’s too late.

me Myself & the Void still 2The film boasts visually engaging elements, including a stage production style set, black-and-white flashback moments, and a halo effect when Jack and Chris step into a memory. The editing is as fast-paced as the dialogue. Hautekiet and co-writer Nik Oldershaw never give you a minute to breathe but certainly laugh. Jack and Chris’ chemistry is dazzling. The entire film plays out like a live improv show, and it’s electric.

me Myself & the Void still 3The entire cast nails each beat. Kelly Marie Tran oozes charm as Mia. She is so watchable and gives Mia a genuine heart. Chris W. Smith delivers honest best-friend vibes. He’s got that sitcom aura in the best way possible. Jack De Sena is spectacular, running through the emotional gambit. He reminds me of Jack Black, with a loveable quality that draws you in. Discovering that Smith is De Sena’s comedy partner in their popular sketch comedy channel Chris and Jack and now the world makes more sense.

me Myself & the Void still 4The script is whip-smart. It is a ping-pong match of wits between best friends through self-doubt, anxiety, and depression. The film is a dizzying whirlwind of meta-purgatory, tackling the incredible nuance in relationships and the importance of communication. It’s about owning your shit. Me, Myself, & the Void is one of the best indie gems of the year.


Out of Body Indie Dramedy Me Myself & The Void
Starring Jack De Sena, Chris W. Smith, & Kelly Marie Tran
Debuts October 1, 2024 from Echobend Pictures
Streaming on Major VOD Platforms Worldwide


Me Myself & The Void world premiered at Dances with Films and went on to screen at fests around the world. At FilmQuest, Me Myself & The Void won the award for Best Ensemble Cast and scored nominations for Best Screenplay, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Editing and Best Score.

A down on his luck stand-up finds himself in a void world, hovering precariously between life and death. It is in this void that our hero, Jack, must discern how he ended up face down on his bathroom floor and find a way out before it’s too late.

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‘LYVIA’S HOUSE’ (2024) *Sigh* Too much and not enough.


Lyvia's House poster

Inspired by true events, LYVIA’S HOUSE follows a young journalist who, after moving to a new home with her new lover, begins an investigation into the disappearance of an Italian artist with links to murders that happened 20 years ago.

Danielle Octavien Lyvia's HouseDanielle Octavien plays Tara’s best friend, Helen. She is incredibly natural, and I enjoyed every minute of her screen time. Georgie is the most intriguing character. Andrew Diego‘s commitment to the character’s PTSD and/or neurodivergence is applause-worthy, even if writer Patricia V. Davis writes him as a borderline offensive stereotype.

lyvia's house still 1Johnny is toxic as hell. Joshua Malekos gives audiences an extremely unlikable and manipulative character. He is a gaslighting master, and I wanted nothing more than for him to find a tragic end, regardless of his backstory. Tara Nichol Caldwell is perfectly passable as Tara. Unfortunately, the script does nothing for her, leaving a mediocre and likely forgettable turn.

lyvia's house still 2The script never hides Johnny’s shady leanings. Having masks appear everywhere ends up coming off as hokey. The costumes also make little sense in specific scenes. Honestly, the fact that Tara sticks around is utterly preposterous. The amount of tropes all smashed together makes for a messy finished product. LYVIA’S HOUSE ends up being an overly long, frustrating watch.


Stonecutter Media will release LYVIA’S HOUSE on Vudu/Fandango at Home and local cable & satellite providers, iTunes/Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, and Google Play, October 1.


Directed by: Niko Volonakis

Written by: Patricia V. Davis

Starring: Tara Nichol Caldwell, Joshua Malekos, Danielle Octavien,

Ann Marie Gideon, Andrew Diego, Deborah Tucker, Brit Zane, Cami Oh

Produced by: Patricia V. Davis

Executive Produced by Pete Davis, Nicholas Levis,

Joni Cuquet

Cinematography by: Cody Martin

Edited by: Niko Volonakis

Music Composed by: Niko Volonakis

USA I 2024 I Thriller, Mystery I 116 minutes | NR

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‘WINNER’ (2024) A sharp biopic of America’s rebel sweetheart.

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Winner poster

Filmmaker Susanna Fogel (CAT PERSON) tells the true story of NSA contractor Reality Winner discovering the classified document that Russia interfered with in the 2016 election and then leaked it to the press. WINNER is a black comedy biopic in a league of its own. The whistleblower story we’ve been waiting for.

The military exploited Reality’s extraordinary language abilities, critical thinking skills, and sheer humanity for more violent means. The argument about whether the end justifies the means remains open-ended. It depends on your overall opinion of the military-industrial complex. The guilt from her job translates to excessive workouts and do-gooder activities that no one else wants. Truthfully, Reality was thinking about the country when she broke protocol and then punished by the one person it affected most. It’s pretty gross, if not entirely expected.

Winner-Day15-031Zach Galifianakis is Reality’s activist-minded father, Ron. He plays a proud papa with a brilliant mind and passion for justice. The apple did not fall far. Galifianakis brings the sass in all the right ways. Connie Britton is Mom Billie Winner-Davis, someone I greatly admire. I followed her on social media once the story broke, urging others to retweet and signing petitions for the Biden administration to pardon Reality. Britton delivers a pitch-perfect performance as a Texas mother with the typical priorities before Reality’s arrest.

Emilia Jones expertly shows us what a phenom Reality is, doing justice to her activist heart and take-no-shit attitude. Jones nails each beat with heart and humor. Making grown men cry in her breakout role in CODA, she once again owns the screen.

WINNER_Vertical (1)It’s an entire hour before we even touch on the infamous Russia document. The front end of the film gives us foundational reasons to root for Winner. Fogel skillfully injects humor into a story that appears authentically absurd from any sane outsider’s perspective. Jones’ narration sets the tone for the entire film. If you know Reality’s story, you understand what an indisputable hero she is. How this story got buried as quickly as it did will never cease to baffle me.
WINNER is wildly entertaining.

WINNER Trailer:

In Select Theaters and On Demand September 13, 2024


DIRECTED BY:  Susanna Fogel

WRITTEN BY:  Kerry Howley and Susanna Fogel

STARRING:  Emilia Jones, Connie Britton, Danny Ramirez, Kathryn Newton, and Zach Galifianakis

RUN TIME:  103 minutes

RATING:  Not Rated

GENRE:  Comedy, Biography

SYNOPSIS:  Based on a true story, Reality Winner (Emilia Jones) is a brilliant young misfit from a Texas border town who loves her pink gun almost as much as helping others. After teaching herself Arabic in high school so she can be of service in the Middle East, Reality is recruited by the Air Force but quickly becomes disillusioned when she finds her morals challenged. After transitioning to a money gig as an NSA contractor, Reality stumbles upon government secrets regarding Russia’s election hacking during the 2016 Presidential campaign. Does she expose the truth or keep quiet? Ultimately, she decides to leak the truth leading to her trial and historic sentencing for espionage. The film also stars Connie Britton, Danny Ramirez, Kathryn Newton, and Zach Galifianakis.

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‘DETAINED’ (2024) Abbie Cornish stars in a satisfying thriller.

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In the dead of night, Rebecca (Cornish) wakes in a decrepit precinct, accused of a hit-and-run. But a deadly scuffle reveals a sinister plot. With nowhere to turn, she must uncover the truth before it consumes her. But Rebecca harbors secrets darker than they know.

Abbie Cornish in a scene from DETAINED - Photo Courtesy - Quiver Distribution

The long con is on in this creative bait-and-switch thriller. Filmmaker Felipe Mucci, alongside co-writer Jeremy Palmer, lures us into a mystery that cleverly unravels.

DETAINED boasts a solid ensemble cast. Breeda Wool elevated each film she’s in, and this is no exception. Her effortless vulnerability captivates. Justin H. Min‘s performance is also a standout. I loved him in Shortcomings and The Umbrella Academy. The role of Isaac is yet another display of his talents.

Laz Alonso in a scene from DETAINED - Photo Courtesy - Quiver DistributionLaz Alonzo does a fine job as the hypermasculine group leader, doing his best to keep up with Cornish. Speaking of, Abbie Cornish owns this role. It’s a tour de force. From the moment we see her, it’s already over.

(L-R) Abbie Cornish and Breeda Wool in a scene from DETAINED - Photo Courtesy - Quiver DistributionMucci and Palmer give Cornish the time to work her magic. We know her gears are turning throughout. Watching the dominoes fall is delightful. While I worked out a key plot point relatively early- I watch hundreds of films each year, it never lessened the elaborate twists. I still wondered precisely how we’d get from point A to B. Audiences get a lot to chew on in just over ninety minutes. DETAINED is devilishly satisfying.


Quiver Distribution’s upcoming psychological thriller DETAINED starring Abbie Cornish, Laz Alonso, Moon Bloodgood, John Patrick Amedori, Justin H. Min, and Breeda Wool will open in select theaters and be available on VOD this Friday, August 2nd.

Directed by FELIPE MUCCI




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‘DOCTOR JEKYLL’ (2024) Eddie Izzard continues to be iconic



Doctor Jekyll poster
An adaptation of the Robert Louis Stevenson novella, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, director Joe Stephenson takes us inside the gothic horror genre through the performance of the incomparable Eddie Izzard.

In DOCTOR JEKYLL, a young man recently released from prison, needing employment to see his daughter, finds himself the carer for a famous pharmaceutical giant forced into seclusion due to scandal. There is something amiss with the doctor, and Rob is merely a chess piece.

doctor Jekyll 2The script plays like one carefully curated test after another, skillfully crafted to test Rob’s and our moral compass. screenwriter Dan Kelly-MulhernIt has Nina lull Rob into a sense of safety and care, playing on his desperation and redemption arc. The double-entendre dialogue is delicious.

Scott Chambers captivates with an anxious, naive, childlike quality reminiscent of Barry Keoghan in Saltburn. He compels you to watch. His chemistry with Izzard is electric.

doctor Jekyll Scott chambersEddie Izzard owns the titular role of Nina Jekyll. Delivering two fully fleshed-out personalities, one can only imagine the personal stake in Izzard’s performance. She is utterly mesmerizing, devouring Kelly-MulhernIt’s versions of Nina and Rachel. It is one hell of a turn.

Birgit Dierken‘s cinematography features sweeping crane shots and beautiful framing, utilizing brilliant natural and fire light. The score mirrors the story in style. Devilishly sinister and other times lovely, the duality is perfect.

Doctor-Jekyll_Still_4DOCTOR JEKYLL is endlessly intriguing, playing on the raw emotions and hitting every horror note, with precision. The finale is visually spectacular. DOCTOR JEKYLL is a prime example of keen manipulation.


Hammer Films invites you to screen DOCTOR JEKYLL, a new adaptation of the classic tale from Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1886 novella starring Eddie Izzard. Directed by Joe Stephenson (MIDAS MAN), DOCTOR JEKYLL is a slow-burn gothic horror that delves into themes of duality, concocting a surprising mix of dark humor and flashes of camp within a twisted fairytale. The film also stars Scott Chambers, Simon Callow, Lindsay Duncan, Jonathan Hyde, Morgan Watkins and Robyn Cara. DOCTOR JEKYLL will open in theaters and on demand beginning August 2, 2024.

Doctor Jekyll Eddie IzzardDIRECTOR Joe Stephenson 

WRITERS Dan Kelly-Mulhern, Robert Louis Stevenson 

CAST Eddie Izzard, Scott Chambers, Lindsay Duncan, Simon Callow, Jonathan Hyde, Morgan Watkins, Robyn Cara, Isabella Inchbald, Tony Jayawardena 

GENRE Gothic Horror, Drama, Mystery   

RUN TIME 90 mins 


Instagram: @hammer_films 

Facebook: @hammerfilms

X (formerly known as Twitter): @hammerfilms

TikTok: @hammerfilms_ 

Hashtags: #HammerFilms #DoctorJekyll

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‘MIDNIGHT TAXI’ (2024) A well-crafted thriller


Midnight Taxi poster

In Midnight Taxi, night shift cab driver Eddie Carter goes down the homespun detective rabbit hole when he discovers a murdered sex worker on his route home. Because he suffers from sleepwalking, Eddie is afraid he might know more than he immediately recalls. Enlisting the help of an investigative journalist, his journey through the dark streets of London drives him to the brink of madness.

Midnight Taxi 1Ladi Emeruwa is a star. He exudes effortless charm, diving headfirst into Eddie’s unresolved trauma and the ensuing panic attacks. Emeruwa’s ability to grab the audience is a filmmaker’s dream. He has that ” It” factor in spades. 

Midnight Taxi 3The score is proper neo-noir, but the volume is often distracting. Filmmakers Bertie Speirs and Samantha Speirs deliver a well-crafted thriller. Eddie has dreams with flashes of memories or fantasies. We aren’t exactly sure. His lost time ups the ante. They skillfully tease a mysterious backstory so the audience constantly questions Eddie’s possible culpability. MIDNIGHT TAXI takes you along for a complex psychological ride.

Midnight Taxi 2



Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Written and Directed by: Bertie Speirs and Samantha Speirs

Starring: Ladi Emeruwa, Charlotte Price, and Eddie Eyre

Genre: Mystery, Drama

RT: 97 min | Not Yet Rated

Language: English | U.S.

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‘COTTONTAIL’ (2024) A beautiful portrait of grief and redemption


Cottontail_KeyArt_10_2x3Filmmaker Patrick Dickinson brings audiences a nuanced tale of loss and love in COTTONTAIL. Following the death of his wife, Kenzaburo travels with his son and his young family to fulfill his late wife’s last wish, to scatter her ashes at Lake Windemere in England. The film flashes back in time, giving us intimate details of the love story between Kenzaburo and Akiko.

COTTONTAIN Final Platform Stills - Dropbox - www.dropbox.comTae Kimura gives an award-worthy performance as Akiko. The depth is mesmerizing. You will remember it. Lily Franky delivers a stunning complexity in Kenzaburo. Dickinson skillfully draws out the rift between him and his son Toshi (a fantastic Ryo Nishikido). The built-up guilt and regret flow off the screen as Franky moves from scene to scene. So, too, does the fierce adoration for his wife. COTTONTAIL

Cottontail_Still06_1920x1080.jpg - www.dropbox.comDickinson places the audience in a precarious emotional state once we witness the hardships of Akiko’s progressing condition and Kenzaburo’s increasing frustrations with losing the wife he vowed to love through thick and thin. The discussion of the impact of acting as a primary caregiver hangs above the film like a dark cloud, allowing the redemption narrative to hold your heart. COTTONTAIL is about the individuality of grief, keeping secrets, and human connection. It is an undeniably beautiful and affecting film.


COTTONTAIL will be released exclusively IN THEATERS on June 7th and On Demand July 9th thereafter


Cottontail_Still11_1920x1080.jpg - www.dropbox.comStarring Academy Award® Nominee CIARÁN HINDS (Belfast, First Man, “Game of Thrones”), LILY FRANKY (Analog, “The Naked Director”), AOIFE HINDS (Belfast, The Commuter), RYÔ NISHIKIDO (A Boy and His Samurai, Eight Rangers), TAE KIMURA ( “House of Ninjas,” “The Unbroken,”  “24 Japan”), RIN TAKANASHI (Love for Beginners, Samurai Sentai Shinkenger Movies), YURI TSUNEMATSU ( “Tokyo Vice,” The Pink Panther 2, Letters from Iwo Jima).

Cottontail_Still03_1920x1080.jpg - www.dropbox.com

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‘MURDER COMPANY ‘ (2024) Based on an untold true story


Murder Company Poster -

During the D-Day invasion, a group of U.S. soldiers must smuggle a member of the French resistance behind enemy lines to assassinate a high-value Nazi target.

Murder Company 2 (2024) - www.imdb.comShane Dax Taylor‘s WWII drama imagines the never-before-told story of a secret mission. While all the elements of greatness are there, MURDER COMPANY delivers a rather average film. I never found myself emotionally invested in the characters, which is unfortunate because performances from the entire ensemble deliver solid work. I found myself drifting. The battle scenes felt noticeably repetitive as if a few days had been spent in the same wooded location and shot from only a few different angles. The dialogue suffered the same fate. I couldn’t repeat a single line after watching. The FX were similarly subpar. Bullet holes were glaringly CG, and it was frankly distracting. War films are immense undertakings. Tackling an untold story adds extra scrutiny. Filmmakers should have taken more advantage of Kelsey Grammer‘s abilities. Ultimately, Murder Company waves the white flag.

Murder Company (2024) - www.imdb.com

Here’s the trailer: 

MURDER COMPANY comes to theaters, on Demand and Digital, today.

Buy Tickets here: https://www.fandango.com/murder-company-2024-236335/movie-overview?cmp=Indie_YouTube_Desc

Murder Company 3 (2024) - www.imdb.comIt stars William Moseley (The Chronicles of Narnia trilogy, “The Royals”), Pooch Hall (“Ray Donovan,” “The Game”), Gilles Marini (Sex and the City, “Switched at Birth”), Joe Anderson (Across the Universe, The Crazies), and Kelsey Grammer (“Cheers,” “Frasier”).

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‘COLD BLOWS THE WIND’ (2024) Fresh meat on a bone in this indie horror from Eric Williford

Lion Heart Logo


MAIN POSTER_ColdBlowsTheWind_1400x2100

When a husband and wife (Victoria Vertuga and Danell Leyva) find their night blown wildly off-course, they’re forced to band together in order to survive in the most extreme of circumstances.

Cold Blows The Wind-Dean&Tasha

COLD BLOWS THE WIND finds Tasha and Dean in a moral predicament. After drunk driving, striking a jogger with their car, a stranger makes things even more complicated. Teamwork makes the dream work. Too bad this husband and wife can’t agree on a damn thing.

Cold Blows The Wind -VictoriaVertugaDanell Leyva does a great job of being entirely unlikeable. Victoria Vertuga gives Tasha a fierce presence. She is very watchable. It is Jamie Bernadette who steals the show playing Briar. Everything from her blunt haircut to her unsettling delivery is star quality. I want a prequel where she and Torrey Lawrence lead.

cold blows the wind jamie bernadetteFilmmaker Eric Williford starts his new film off with a bang. The editing by Timothy Widmann is effective. Practical FX are solid and in your face. Cold Blows The Wind is a mysterious story of body-snatching possession on unholy ground. So much of the film feels inspired by the Evil Dead franchise, with a few other classic homages mixed in. Williford offers bits and pieces of backstory. Even though we are left to fill in the blanks, the potential is clear. There is enough meat on the bone (pun intended) to keep audiences hungry.

Watch the trailer to COLD BLOWS THE WIND here


Written and directed by Eric Williford, COLD BLOWS THE WIND stars Victoria Vertuga (LEXI), Danell Leyva (CLOCKED), Jamie Bernadette (I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE: DEJA VU), and Torrey Lawrence (THE HARDER THEY FALL).

Horror / Crime Thriller
85 Minutes
English Language

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‘WHAT REMAINS’ (2024) Based on a true story and unresolved trauma


What Remains PosterUpon his upcoming release from a specialized mental hospital in Scandinavia, a man suddenly reveals his connection to a string of murders. His therapist and the police officer on the case go down the rabbit hole, putting all three of them in a precarious relationship.

Stellan Skarsgård plays Officer Soren Rank. He is always a solid actor. This role is another notch on his vast resume. Andrea Riseborough gives Dr. Anna Rudebeck a staunch determination. Yet again, she climbs into the skin of a self-sabotaging and flawed woman who would rather help others than confront her childhood trauma.

What Remains still 1Gustaf Skarsgård is Mads a deep sadness. His gentle nature is at odds with his confessions, although his true motivations feel evident from the beginning. Nevertheless, Skarsgård delivers an emotionally wrought performance.

The script comes from director Ran Huang and Megan Everett-Skarsgard, wife of Stellan and stepmother of Gustaf. WHAT REMAINS is Huang’s feature debut. The characters are so lush that I might suggest expanding this into a miniseries.

What-RemainsHaunting takes in the gloomy natural light of a rainstorm or afternoon in an unlit room, capturing the dark essence of the narrative. The true story behind the film is one of the most unusual in criminal history. In the 1990s, Sture Ragnar Bergwall (later known as Thomas Quicke ) confessed to 20 unsolved murders (convicted of 5). Years later, he rescinded his statements.

It is an intriguing commentary about mental health systems worldwide. The film takes place in Scandinavia, and Mads undergoes rehabilitation treatment. The stark difference between the US industrial prison complex is shocking. The human desire to heal inmates versus for-profit prisons is eye-opening. WHAT REMAINS speaks to the unrelenting consequences of unresolved trauma.

In Theaters & On Demand June 21st
** Locarno Film Festival **
** Warsaw International Film Festival **
** Beijing International Film Festival **
** Fantasy FilmFest **

Gustaf Skarsgård (“Vikings”),
Andrea Riseborough (To Leslie)
and Stellan Skarsgård (Dune: Part Two)
Directed by: Ran Huang
Written by: Ran Huang and Megan Everett-Skarsgard 

In a psychiatric hospital, an alleged serial killer, his therapist, and a police detective seek to solve a brutal cold case before their obsessive quest for the truth consumes them all.

For more films Based On A True Story, click here!


Interesting Read – The Craftsmanship of 1:1 Super Clone Watches  gives you the feel and look of the original watch

‘TRIM SEASON’ (2024) High dread and witchy realness.

blue harbor logostudio logos for trim



Trim Season poster

Filmmaker Ariel Vida brings a femme-centric horror to screens today with TRIM SEASON. When a group of young women takes a two-week gig on a remote mountain marijuana farm, breaking the rules of the job leads to a more sinister plot.

The script overflows with well-developed characters with unique traits and eclectic personalities. Playing Mona’s vastly different sons are Cory Hart and Ryan Donowho. Each gives it their all, with Hart as the aggressor and Donowho as the gentle innocent.

trim season 3Beth’s protective best friend Julia, played by Alex Essoe, balances Emma’s anxiety-ridden nature. Essoe’s level-headed portrayal feels authentically grounded. Juliette Kenn de Balinthazy as Lex is extra cool as writers David Blair and Vida give her character a rare disease, making her unable to sense physical pain. Juliette Kenn de Balinthazy is a star.

Bex Taylor-Klaus gives Dusty an apprehensive aura. Taylor-Klaus is incredible in every role they tackle, and this is no exception. Their physical performance is exceptional. Ally Ioannides is a firecracker as Harriet. She is a button pusher with no boundaries. Ioannides owns every second of screen time. You love to hate her.

Trim-SeasonJane Badler plays Mona with an eccentric personality, fully tapping into her career toolbox. Wise and mesmerizing, curious and terrifying, Badler delivers an intriguing villain like the pro she is. Beth Million is Emma. She is timid, paranoid, and desperate for cash. Million is relatable and quietly powerful.

Quick visual homages to Texas Chainsaw and the supernatural mingle in this genre crowd pleaser. Bravo to the FX team for some gruesome visuals. Perhaps a bit inspired by Ari Aster’s films, the legend of Elizabeth Bathory, and witchy feminism, TRIM SEASON gives audiences a unique and disturbing fare. Stay for the credits.


In Theaters and On Demand June 7th, 2024

Directed by Ariel Vida (“Vide Noir”)
Written by David Blair, Sean E. DeMott,
Cullen Poythress, Megan Sutherland, & Ariel Vida
Produced by Aaron B. Koontz, Sean E. DeMott, Paul Holbrook, & Jane Badler
Executive Produced by Leal Naim & Jake Hearns
Co-produced by Cameron Burns

Jane Badler (“V”, Ricky Stanicky)
Bex Taylor-Klaus (“Scream”)
Alex Essoe (Starry Eyes, “Midnight Mass”)
Bethlehem Million (Sick, “And Just Like That…”)
Ally Ioannides (Synchronic)
Cory Hart (“Fear the Walking Dead”)

RT: 100 Minutes


SYNOPSIS: Jobless and searching for purpose, Emma and a group of young people from Los Angeles drive up the coast to make quick cash trimming marijuana on a secluded farm in Northern California. Cut off from the rest of the world, they soon realize that Mona – the seemingly amiable owner of the estate – is harboring secrets darker than any of them could imagine. It becomes a race against time for Emma and her friends to escape the dense woods with their lives.

About Ariel Vida
Ariel Vida is a director and writer of the strange and fantastical, who has also production designed over a hundred shorts, music videos, and feature films. Her design work has received high honors, including ‘Best Production Design’ at Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival for Moorhead & Benson’s THE ENDLESS. Her music video directorial debut -Lord Huron’s The World Ender-was selected as a Vimeo Staff Pick and awarded ‘Best Music Video’ at several festivals. The videos for Lord Huron’s The Night We Met, which Ariel produced, and Childish Gambino’s Sober, which she art directed, have both been viewed over 100 million times on YouTube.
A frequent collaborator with Rustic Films, Ariel’s most recent design work includes Amy Seimetz’s Neon Release SHE DIES TOMORROW, Spectrevision and Adam Egypt Mortimer’s ARCHENEMY, Alma Har’el and Bob Dylan’s SHADOW KINGDOM, and Moorhead & Benson’s SYNCHRONIC as well as their Sundance 2022 premiere SOMETHING IN THE DIRT, which Ariel also second unit directed. 
Ariel’s feature directorial debut, VIDE NOIR – written and scored by the band Lord Huron – released in November 2022 through 1091 Pictures. Her first published short fiction will be printed in the upcoming genre anthology HAUNTED REELS alongside fellow filmmakers C. Robert Cargill, Gigi Saul Guerrero, Brea Grant, Owen Egerton, Gary Sherman, and more. TRIM SEASON marks Ariel’s second feature as director, and she’s currently developing many of her own scripts imbuing stylized action within vivid, fantastical worlds from dystopian sea-faring tales to warped, surrealist westerns.

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‘FOR SALE’ (2024) The Good, Bad, and Haunted



For Sale (2024) - www.imdb.com

Christopher Schrack‘s FOR SALE finds Mason, a shady salesman who gets the opportunity to score big if he can sell a murder house. Can his relentless determination drive a sale and the spirits away?

For saleCorrine Britti gives Psychic Claire a great quirkiness. Schrack and co-writer Jordan Friedber‘s screenplay allows her to play a dual role. Her commitment is applause-worthy. Andrew Roth does a fantastic job at filling the screen with his presence. His optimism and generally ridiculous “always be selling” persona keep the film in the horror comedy subgenre. Once again, Friedberg and Schrack mix it up in the final act so Roth can show off his acting chops.

For sale 5The soundtrack is fun. A handful of sharp jump scares had my heart racing. I wish Schrack and Friedberg had leaned into Mason’s unresolved trauma earlier in the film. That emotional pull hits another level, heightening the dark threats, but I respect them for introducing a redemption arc. While the pacing is uneven, the visuals and sound editing are phenomenal. Essentially, what is good is extremely good. FOR SALE ends with one final genuine gafaw.



FOR SALE is a handmade film in the truest sense – a crew of three, a cast of ten, and produced by director CHRISTOPHER SCHRACK and lead actor ANDREW ROTH. Despite its humble budget, the film went on to receive multiple awards on the festival circuit, including BEST FILM (Magic of Horror 2023), BEST COMEDY FEATURE (International Comedy Film Festival 2024), BEST ACTOR and BEST DROP DEAD FUNNY (Haunted House FearFest 2023), as well as receiving numerous other nominations.

Mason McGinness has always been good at two things: selling himself, and finding ways to cheat people into buying when they shouldn’t. One day, his brazen swindling catches up with him and he finds himself fired from his job and kicked to the curb by his ex-girlfriend. Mason finds a small realty company that needs someone to sell a piece of property that is considered “unsellable.” The catch? It is the infamous Scarlett Clay house — a haunted house where anyone who inhabits it ends up dead. Now, with the help of a quirky psychic, Mason must find his humanity to get his life back… or die trying.

PRE-ORDER TODAY ON APPLETV: https://apple.co/3xtjZR8

PRE-ORDER TODAY ON AMAZON: https://www.primevideo.com/detail/For…


IG: @forsalemovieofficial

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