‘JUNE ZERO’ (2024) A beautiful and relevant dive into history



Jake Paltrow brings audiences to a fascinating thread of history that might not be common knowledge. Israel 1961, days after the trial of Adolf Eichmann, a young boy discovers the quiet plot involved in disposing of the body of one of the most notorious organizers of the Holocaust. 

JUNE ZERO_Still 6_Credit_ Courtesy of Cohen Media GroupPerformances from the entire cast are magnificent. Yoav Levi is Captain Hayim Amzalag, the prisonguard tasked with orchestrating the clandestine plans for the most valuable prisoner of war. Hayim’s anxiety manifests in a toothache, a burst blood vessel, and digestive issues as he dodges the press. Levi brings a dazzling physicality to the role. You will not soon forget him.

JUNE ZERO_Still 2_Credit_ Courtesy of Cohen Media GroupNoam Ovadia is David, a precocious, tenacious, Lybyan-Israeli who identifies as an Arab and Sephardic Jew learning perspective on the Nazis. Procuring an after-school job, David uses his quick-witted brain to solve problems. Ovadia is a star. It is an award-worthy turn. He outshines every other cast member.

JUNE ZERO_Still 7_Credit_ Courtesy of Cohen Media GroupTom Shoval and Paltrow wrote the screenplay. In the third storyline, we explore Micah (Tom Hagi), a Polish Holocaust survivor, now a tour guide of the former ghettos. This narrative kicks off a profound discussion of mixing grief and capitalism. It is a history lesson and fearless think piece amongst the ongoing fight in Gaza and global Jewish trauma.

One of the most poignant decisions is that Paltrow never shows Eichmann’s face. This subtle gesture speaks volumes. JUNE ZERO allows audiences to weigh varying perspectives without ramming anything down their throat. It is emotionally wrought and undeniably powerful.


Entirely shot on 16mm film, JUNE ZERO follows events set in motion from the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann, a principal architect of the Holocaust. June Zero is told from the unique perspectives of three distinct figures: Eichmann’s Jewish Moroccan prison guard, an Israeli police investigator who also happens to be a Holocaust survivor and a precocious and clever 13-year-old Libyan immigrant. As the film delves into the complexities of the human experience during this pivotal trial, it serves as a poignant reminder that history’s impact can be both diverse and unifying.


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Big Apple Film Festival 2023 review: ‘STORIES FOR MY CHILDREN’S CHILDREN: LESSONS FROM THE HOLOCAUST’ is tangible and timely


Poignant and timely, Christopher Wells‘ documentary feature at BAFF 2023 delivers audiences an eye-opening deep dive into the history of one family’s journey through the Holocaust.

STORIES FOR MY CHILDREN’S CHILDREN: LESSONS FROM THE HOLOCAUST is an intimate and accessible retelling of the lives of Sarah Putter Rolnick’s parents during and after the Nazi invasion of Poland. A collection of photographs, rare documents, and letters, alongside Rolnick’s often raw emotions, propel this film forward. For most of the runtime, her measured demeanor invites us to sit back and listen, though the years of shared generational trauma are palpable.

The score possesses a moving, almost visceral effect on the viewer. The information Rolnick discovers through her years of research will shock you. Their stories remain ever-evolving living entities. The film reinforces the tried and true Churchill adage, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” STORIES FOR MY CHILDREN’S CHILDREN: LESSONS FROM THE HOLOCAUST is a tangible lesson. For younger generations, perhaps akin to The Diary of Anne Frank. This is the story of The Putters. BAFF 2023 has a built-in audience for this doc. 


Story told by Sarah Putter Rolnick

“I have chosen to tell these stories for my children and future generations so we can take the past horrors that happened to our ancestors, learn from it, and prevent it from happening again.” -Sarah Rolnick

Feature Documentary (62 Minutes)

Directed and Produced by:  Christopher Wells

Executive Producer: Daniel Rolnick

For more information about THE BIG APPLE FF Click Here!


Review: Based on a true story, Marvin Samel’s very personal ‘iMordecai’ boasts compelling performances from Judd Hirsch, Carol Kane, and Sean Astin.


80-year-old Holocaust survivor Mordecai Samel is a man who works with his hands. When his son insists on replacing his taped-covered flip phone with an iPhone, his world opens up to new possibilities. Writer-director Marvin Samel brings his life and that of his family to the big screen with iMordecai. We must first learn from the past to better understand our future. This personal film will capture your heart.

Azia Dinea Hale plays Nina, a young phone tech who gives private lessons to Mordecai. Dealing with an unexpected family secret, Nina pushes onward to assure Mordecai that he can take his future into his hands and heal through experience and art. Hale is as sweet and patient as we need her to be.

Carol Kane is Mordecai’s wife, Fela. This witty, opinionated Polish woman is diagnosed with dementia. Mordecai’s secrets exacerbate her anxiety-ridden personality. Kane is a legend and compelling as ever in this role. We witness her moment-to-moment decisions, sometimes with nothing but a look in her eye. She is fantastic.

Sean Astin is Marvin, Mordecai’s son. Marvin’s confident facade begins to crack under the pressure of his cigar business, Fela’s diagnosis, and unresolved feelings with his father. Astin leaves his heart on the screen. Marvin is a complex person doing his best to keep his head above water. Astin takes each beat with thoughtfulness. It is a carefully crafted character study.

Judd Hirsch plays Mordecai with delicious chutzpah. He is proud, excitable, and dealing with deep seeded trauma. His journey is a reclamation of his youth. Hirsch is a treat to watch. Handpicked by Samel, he is funny, headstrong, and perfectly cast.

The film features beautifully animated sequences illustrating Mordecai’s childhood and hilarious flashback reenactments of his shenanigans as an adult. iModecai embraces the faults, chaos, and growing pains of our families. Samel’s script addresses everything, from intergenerational trauma to ageism, parenting, and embracing our truth. It oozes charm. Stick around for the credits to see footage of Samel’s twin daughters, the real-life Mordecai, and his art. iMordecai is a sentimental ode to survivors, culture, and unconditional love.


When Mordecai, a Holocaust survivor, portrayed by Academy Award Nominee Judd Hirsch (The Fabelmans, Ordinary People) is given a new iPhone, an unexpected series of events upends his world. A heartwarming Miami-set comedy based on a true story. Co-starring Sean Astin (The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Goonies) and Academy Award Nominee Carol Kane (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Hester Street).


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Review: Oscar Nominated Documentary Shorts

oscar shorts 2016Here I am back it after a brief hiatus and I’m happy that this year I am fortunate enough to bring you coverage of this year’s Oscar-nominated short films. Over the next few days, I will roll out reviews in each of the categories – documentary, animation and live action. Since I’m the resident documentary cat around here at Reel News Daily, I thought I would start off in that category. These films cover a variety of important and emotional topics from honor killings in Pakistan to the affects of Agent Orange on the youth of Vietnam to the fallout of capital punishment on the family of the accused. These five films hit every emotional string that you can imagine and leave an impression long after the viewing has ended.

Body Team 12

oscar shorts 16 - body team 12Body Team 12, directed by David Darg (as well as produced by Paul Allen of Microsoft fame as well as actress Olivia Wilde), follows one of the teams charged with removing the bodies of the those who died during the Ebola outbreak in Liberia this past year. It is shown through the perspective of the only female member. Body Team 12 is a moving portrait of community members doing an incredibly difficult and dangerous job to do their part to help curb the epidemic. That said, there are some incredibly difficult parts in watching family members of the deceased deal with the loss of their loved ones. The shortest film in the bunch at just over 13 minutes, Body Team 12 is able to pack a narrative wallop that hits you right in the gut, which makes it no wonder that it was nominated for an Oscar in this category. This film will debut on HBO in March.


Chau, beyond the lines

oscar shorts 16 chauChau, beyond the lines is a moving film about Chau, a young man whose body is deformed from his parents having been exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. Because of the degree of care he needed, Chau was sent to a peace camp (an orphanage of sorts) where other children – some more, others less – affected by Agent Orange live and are taken care of by a group of state-funded nurses. Chau is an artist at heart and spends his time dedicating himself to honing his craft, which isn’t easy because of the deformities that have affected his hands and arms. Every year, Chau submits a piece to a national contest for young artists across the country, each believing and hoping that he can win and garner some attention on the merits of his art, not his disabilities. Make no bones about it, this one is a difficult watch, but well worth it. This is a story that shows that nearly 45 years after the end of the war in Vietnam, the price is still paid for the hostilities. Chau has an unbelievably positive outlook on life and begs us to all ask the question, “why can’t we do the same?” Written and directed by Courtney Marsh.

Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah

oscar shorts 16 - lanzmann posterAdam Benzine‘s short treatise on director Claude Lanzmann and the making of his seminal documentary on the Holocaust, Shoah. The director queries Lanzmann and others (including fellow documentarian Marcel Ophüls who calls Lanzmann a megalomaniac) about the struggles of making of the film as well as its impact. What can be sure is that Shoah is indeed a masterpiece and widely considered one of the best documentaries ever made. The 12 years that went into filming and editing this film took a toll on Lanzmann who was never the same after making it. From having to surreptitiously record conversations with former Nazis to getting beaten by some who found out his game to having to listen to the stories of those who survived concentration camps like Treblinka and Auschwitz, it’s no wonder. An incredilby affecting piece, Lanzmann is a person worthy of documenting, which makes sense since his life was devoted to the same thing. This film debuts on HBO in May.

A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness

oscar shorts 16 - girl in the riverDirected by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness is by far the film that I found had to most effect on me in this category. After a few contextual shots of the city of Gujranwala, Pakistan (population 5 million), the film opens with Saba Qaiser in the emergency room of the hospital, getting her face stitched up from a gunshot wound. Saba had been attacked by her father and uncle in an effort to kill her for dishonoring their family by marrying someone of a social class they didn’t believe high enough and disobeying her father’s orders. The film opens with a statistic that nearly every year, 1,000 of the so-called honor killings take place in Pakistan despite being illegal. Saba was fortunate in some ways to survive this attack. Fortunate in that she lived, but unfortunate that she must now face the pressing question of whether she should forgive her father and uncle and let them free from jail where they can essentially attack her again if they please. She is adamant against forgiving them and even goes so far as to say they should be killed in a public market as an example to any others considering doing this. However, the reality is her mother and sisters face a lifetime of shame because of her deeds and with her father the sole breadwinner in the house, they would likely not be able to support themselves. A decision that is heavier than anything I can imagine. That Obaid-Chinoy was able to access Saba throughout the entire ordeal makes this film really quite stunning and heartbreaking all the same. If I had a vote for the Oscar, this one gets mine. This film will also debut on HBO in March.

The trailer for this film can be found here.

Last Day of Freedom

oscar shorts 16 - last day of freedomThe final nominee is Last Day of Freedom directed by Dee Hibbert-Jones and Nomi Talisman, is one of the more innovative films nominated in this category I’ve seen to date. It is animated, a kind of mixture of recreations a la Errol Morris with a something that resembles the style of Richard Linklater‘s Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly. The film allows Bill Babbitt to tell the story of his brother, Manny, a Vietnam vet who was arrested for murder and sentenced to death. The circumstances surrounding Manny‘s actions were colored by his PTSD and schizophrenia diagnosis, but somehow he still found himself on death row. Bill‘s account gives such a stark and emotional rendering of what it is like to live in the shadow of a loved one’s violent actions, that it wasn’t just the victim and their family who have suffered, but also the loved one’s of the perpetrator. Not only that, this films serves as a stark reminder, one that we seem to see all too many times these days, that justice is not always served.


By no means are these films uplifting as they all expose a piece of misery of that sticks with their subjects every single day. What they do do, as I think only documentaries can do, is shed light on subject matter that isn’t easy to face or confront and allow it to be seen in a way that is neither heavy-handed nor flippant. These films help us remind us that even at times when things are the shittiest, that humanity can still succeed. While I don’t have access to the many films that were submitted for this award, I can say that these films represent the documentary spirit well.