‘MR NOBODY AGAINST PUTIN’ (Sundance 2025) The shocking militarization of Russian schoolchildren and the brave teacher who exposed it all.

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David Borenstein’s eye-opening Sundance 2025 documentary follows a democracy-loving school event coordinator and videographer who finds himself in the trenches of warfare. Pavel “Pasha” Talankin is not a soldier. He is a primary school teacher thrust into a shocking new reality– the bastardization of history and the brainwashing of his country. MR NOBODY AGAINST PUTIN should be mandatory viewing.

Pasha (who shoots and co-directs the film) provides a safe place for free-thinking, creative kids. It only took him a day to realize Putin had forced him and his colleagues to be part of a war machine, not teaching but indoctrinating their young students to support the war in Ukraine passionately. New patriotic lessons read verbatim to children filled with absurd lies.

Instead of resigning, Pasha agrees to become an informant for a European journalist because his unprecedented access to the daily lives of his students and community delivers the truth those outside of Russia are never privy to. Thus begins a mission of recording history.

Pasha records his students in raw confessional moments. As her brother endures the front lines, Masha, a once bubbly student, slowly descends into a sadness that mirrors many of the kids. You can see their gears turning in the understanding that something is not quite right about their instruction. Teachers gather in Pasha’s office. They’ve just been informed that grades are disastrous across all levels. Morale plummets as they fear firing or even jail time under a new “treason” law. It is the same bullshit that imprisons journalists.

State TV is gross. The overblown production of propagandist songs and parades will make you seethe or vomit. The gaslighting from Putin looks eerily similar to what we’ve come to hear from the right in the U.S. In the first few days of this sickening political sequel most of us didn’t ask for, we must take heed of the atrocities in this film.

Karabash’s history teacher gives a nauseating lesson on the art of foreign misinformation. Every word in his classroom induces a gasp. While Putin reactivates a jaw-dropping youth movement under the faux guise of patriotism, giving children literal scripts to read on camera. When the Wagner Mercenaries come to present what we in the U.S. would call an enrichment presentation, kids learn about mines, guns, and how not to die. A schoolwide competition consists of grenade throwing. Karabash Primary School has transformed into a military school, uniforms and all. Russia is training soldiers from Kindergarten, and they’ve convinced some of the population that it is a noble pursuit.

Pasha Talankin might be one of the bravest people in the world. His seemingly small acts of open defiance make your heart race. An hour into the film, we are genuinely worried for his safety. As he sends his 2024 graduating class off to an unknown future, Pasha provides the world with vital truths that will likely cause a global uproar.

MR NOBODY AGAINST PUTIN is a horrifying blueprint for authoritarianism. The world is moments away from political collapse. This doc is nothing short of a stark warning. It demands your attention. Pay attention and honor his fearlessness.


Directed by David Borenstein and co-directed by Pasha Talankin, this uniquely collaborative film is as captivating and joyful as it is eye-opening and sobering. Mr. Nobody Against Putin showcases rare footage that reveals the profound impact of Putin’s regime on the lives of everyday Russians, particularly its children. MR NOBODY AGAINST PUTIN

Director: David Borenstein

Co-Director: Pavel Talankin

Screenwriter: David Borenstein

Producer: Helle Faber

David borensteinDavid Borenstein has worked in the documentary industry on three different continents. He has produced and directed TV for BBC, PBS, ARTE, Al Jazeera, DR, Vice, and many more international broadcasters. Borenstein directed Can’t Feel Nothing (2024), Love Factory (2021), and Dream Empire (2016).  MR NOBODY AGAINST PUTIN


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Fantasia 2023 review: Run to see the powerful Ukrainian drama ‘STAY ONLINE.’ It will rock you to your core.

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Stay Online poster

Best served on the biggest movie screen possible, STAY ONLINE takes us on a real-time journey of political mayhem through the eyes and laptop screen of one Ukrainian resister. Switching from tab to app to window, Katya places us inside the war via news popups, video calls, and chats while air raid sirens blare in the background. This coordinated chaos forces you to sit up and pay attention. Following the action takes focus, and there isn’t a moment of downtime.

Stay Online - Ukrainian thrillerThe narrative flips when Katya becomes entangled with the son of the laptop owner. Her online sleuthing would put the cops to shame. It is millennial cyberstalking at its best. Liza Zaitseva gives a heart-stopping performance as Katya. Her relentless emotional investment is a rollercoaster ride. She is simply magnificent.

STAY ONLINE speaks directly to the power of information sharing in a time when news media outlets gloss over images of war in tightly edited clips that run every hour. Grisly is profitable, and so is fear-mongering. The human aspect often becomes a political pawn. Ukrainian filmmaker Yeva Strelnikova‘s feature-film debut leaves your heart in your throat. The film’s premiere comes at a particularly auspicious time, with Ukraine throwing its hat in the ring at NATO. STAY ONLINE is gripping, devastating, and entirely brilliant. It is one of the most powerful films of the year.


Mon July 24, 2023
2:05 PM

Tribeca Film Festival interview: ‘CROCODILE GENNADIY’ is a modern-day superhero story.

Crocdile Gennadiy poster Gennadiy Mokhnenko is a pastor in Mariupol, Ukraine. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, hundreds, if not thousands of children have become homeless and addicted to a deadly mixture of cold medicine and alcohol that they are injecting like herion. Gennadiy has taken it upon himself to rescue these children, small groups at a time and bring them to his rehabilitation center called Pilgrim Republic. An accomplished and eloquent orator, this strong headed and passionate pastor, sometimes forcibly removes children from sewers, or other filth ridden settings, to set them on the straight and narrow. His aim is to improve their alcohol recovery timeline, get these kids healthy and make them want to be functioning members of society. Confronting abusive parents and taking on the government, Gennadiy is a saint. He has 11 children, most of them adopted from the lot that he has saved over the years. He has a wit and charm that make him one of the most approachable men, and yet he has a tenacity that is also threatening when it needs to be.Crocodile Gennadiy image

This documentary from Steve Hooper is beautifully inter-cut with a Soviet animated TV show, Crocodile Gennadiy from which our pastor gets his nickname. The parrallels between Gennadiy and the cartoon are almost unbelievable. The methods this man uses are far from what would be acceptable for any church in the United States, and as far as I am concerned, we should be taking a page from his playbook when fighting for good. Croc Genn cartoon

I was able to sit down with Steve Hoover and producer Danny Yourd. Find out some of the crazy story behind the making of this film.


Crocodile Gennadiy Teaser from Crocodile Gennadiy Documentary on Vimeo.

You can still catch CROCODILE GENNADIY at this year’s festival: