‘VULCANIZADORA’ (Tribeca 2024) Another magnificent WTF from an iconic indie duo.

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VULCANIZADORAUS Narrative Competition

Two friends spend time contemplating life on a camping trip in the woods. Their plans severely backfire. 

There are iconic filmmaker/actor duos out there. Scorsese and DiCaprio. Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. Emma Stone and Yorgos Lanthimos. If you don’t know about the absolute IDGAF weirdness of Joel Potrykus and Joshua Burge, welcome to genre heaven. Tribeca 2024 audiences have the privilege of absorbing their latest collaboration in VULCANIZADORA

Potrykus is Derrick, the overly enthusiast best friend of Burge’s hyper-aggressive Marty. Watching them play is like witnessing a couple of middle schoolers fuck around without supervision. The trust between these two that the shenanigans that Joel creates will translate is mindboggling. Their chemistry makes you ponder the fine line between written dialogue and close friends screwing with each other. (Read our reviews of BUZZARD and RELAXER.)

Derrick never shuts up, while Marty seemingly begrudges the spirit of the trip altogether. The script morphs from buddy comedy to thriller. Not until 48 minutes into the film do the true intentions of the plot reveal themselves. Their secret pact is desperately dark, taking Marty on a downward spiral. 

Potrykus’ screenplays are unpredictable, and Vulcanizadora is no exception. He utilizes eclectic music and long takes to reel you into his world. He and Burge deliver magnificent performances. The moral grey area in the film is spectacular, leading to equal parts smirk and cringe. The sneaky impact of a discussion about heaven and hell comes full circle with a stunning visual akin to purgatory. It is undeniably brilliant. Tribeca audiences are damn lucky to experience it first.

Cast: Joel Potrykus, Joshua Burge, Bill Vincent, Solo Potrykus
Writer/Director: Joel Potrykus
Associate Producer: Daniel Berger
Producer: Ashley Potrykus, Hannah Dweck, Theodore Schaefer, Matt Grady
Co-Producer: Kevin Clancy
Director of Photography: Adam J. Minnick
Production Design: Michael Saunders
Sound: Sasa Slogar

Remaining Screenings of VULCANIZADORA:

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What the hell is ‘BUZZARD’?! It’s only the best thing ever – Liz chats with Writer/Director Joel Potrykus


I promised Joel I wouldn’t title this “The Buzz on Buzzard”, and I didn’t. I kept that promise (though, I guess I just wrote it… but I digress) Anyone that would degrade this film in using that title, just plain sucks at life. I know, my eloquence astounds you, but in all seriousness, BUZZARD is one of the weirdest, coolest, totally magical, and yet indescribable movies of the year. Yup. I said it, and I’m not even sorry. We’ve all had endless conversations, at this point, about our Top 10 Movies of 2014. And if you haven’t seen our posts yet, shame on your face. But, what most of you didn’t know is that I had a secret addendum to mine. BUZZARD was my special “I have to tell people about this movie” selection.


So let me just launch into the premise. Marty works a crap temp job. Scamming the system is his game, and he’s pretty good at it. Until one truly face palm moment throws his existence into a series of even more terrible life choices and a downward spiral of paranoia. How long can Marty survive? It’s anyone’s guess. This film is an inspiration for everyone who has worked a mundane job just to live paycheck to paycheck. Marty is every man’s hero. He takes the “Damn The Man” attitude to the nth degree. He does all the things we think about doing, but he actually does them. Unapologetically and with much pride, Marty’s fearless audacity lies somewhere between genius and insanity. He is most definitely someone I would dub the “King of Mediocrity” or “Captain Bullshit”, both I mean in all due respect. He is kind of like a giant 14 year old in 1994, trapped in a 20-something year old’s body. Let’s be real, if you or I could get away with the shit this guy pulls, we would do it in a heartbeat.


Joshua Burge plays Marty in such a effortless manner it’s frightening. One might almost think that this film were a documentary. This says a lot about both Josh’s acting ability and how sensational Joel’s script is. Fun fact I learned in watching the credits, Joel plays Derek, Marty’s best friend in the film. He is also downright hilarious in his honesty. He likes what he likes even if a tad socially inept. Playing by the rules is his safety net. He is the perfect foil for Marty, whose disdain for authority is incontrovertible.  BUZZARD is undeniably accessible. Everyone I’ve spoken with since I first saw this film at the New Directors/New Film Fest in 2014 love it. All ages, all backgrounds, not a single person has anything negative to say about this film. Clearly, I am on that ship. I cannot express how much fun this film is, so you know what that means, right? You now have to go see it and/or rent it on demand, and then you can come back and tell me how right I was. Good Talk.


Speaking of good talks… I got to have a sweet one with Joel Potrykus about this awesomeness. Take a listen because we both know you’ll be better for it. *PS- a small office dog makes an appearance, you’ll hear the jingle of this little dude at moments. Try not to get confused. OK, now go! *

BUZZARD – TRAILER from Oscilloscope Laboratories on Vimeo.

Marty is a caustic, small-time con artist drifting from one scam to the next.  When his latest ruse goes awry, mounting paranoia forces him from his lousy small town temp job to the desolate streets of Detroit with nothing more than a pocket full of bogus checks, a dangerously altered Nintendo® Power Glove, and a bad temper.  Albert Camus meets Freddy Krueger in BUZZARD, a hellish and hilarious riff on the struggles of the American working class.

Oscilloscope Laboratories will release Joel PotrykusBUZZARD in U.S. theaters and digitally on March 6, 2015. Written and directed by Potrykus, the film stars Joshua Burge and was produced by Michael Saunders and Ashley Young. Associate Producers are Kevin Clancy and Tim Saunders.