Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2023 shorts: ‘STOP DEAD’ & ‘LEECH’


Director Emily Greenwood brings the short STOP DEAD to the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2023. Two officers get a flat tire as a blood-soaked young woman happens upon them. Clearly in distress, a taser leads to her immediate demise, or so they think.

The special FX reminds me of one of my favorite kills from the 1997 sci-fi classic CUBE. The editing creates jump scare after jump scare. Eight minutes got my horror juices flowing and left me wanting an entire feature. Greenwood and writer David Scullion show us just enough of an evil entity to keep us salivating for more. Even as the credits roll, you’re seeped in dread.


Mary, an elderly blind woman, cycles through caregivers and doesn’t know why. She thinks she’s alone in her home. She is not.

Weirdly off-putting closeups immediately place the viewer on edge. Disturbing crayon drawings make you recoil. LEECH deserves a feature. It’s undeniably disturbing and shudder-inducing, yet you cannot look away. I have so many questions, and I’m begging filmmaker George Coley for answers.

BHFF 2023