Review: ‘A Good Woman Is Hard To Find’ puts power back in the most deserving hands.

Forced into an emotionally and physically abusive relationship under unusual circumstances, Sarah must navigate her family’s safety and survive financially. Essentially being held hostage by the ripple effect of a drug dealer’s irrational behavior, she strives to regain control of the situation all while attempting to solve the murder of her husband. The intrusive nature of the plot will stifle the viewer. You will not even realize how long you’ve been holding your breath.

Sarah Bolger, who terrified me in Emelie, now plays the complete opposite. She’s a woman on a mission for good. You will root for her. You will be nervous for her. You will cheer her on as she finds her voice. What she must do in self-defense is gruesome. Each beat is so genuinely played, you will not soon forget this performance.

There is a beautiful dichotomy in the fact that she is being terrorized and is financially empowered by her captor. But the abuse is not limited to him. She is verbally assaulted and disrespected where she goes. The assumptions made by everyone in her path are insulting and cruel. As a woman, this film is excruciating to watch. This is a complete complement to the authenticity of the judgment and misogyny (not just from men) that we deal with on a daily basis.

The practical FX are gruesome but completely necessary to feel connected with Bolger’s crisis. The augmented sound editing combined with slow-motion dynamics in a particular scene is visceral. A Good Woman Is Hard To Find proves to be an amazingly insightful commentary on power dynamics and a pretty satisfying story of revenge.

16 subscription streaming services that are totally different than Netflix

Netflix is the big game in town, but there are several other streaming services that offer movies that aren’t on there. So if you’re seeking something a little off the beaten path, here are 16 other services worth checking out.

Although, these all are the paid services, which charge you every month. Still, not everyone can spend an amount every month for web accounts, some people find it difficult. To ease their work for watching the web series, provides them the facility to watch any movie, tv shows, and web series here for free without worry about any debt to pay.

However, do you have an IPTV system? Are you suffering from IPTV buffering issues? Do you need better performance and are looking for support for your Samsung IPTV? If so, then you have to find the IPTV service to help you.

This list includes the best of independent film, horror, classics and original content. They range from $11.95 a month to FREE!

  • Tribeca Shortlist
  • MUBI
  • IndiePix Unlimited
  • Sundance Doc Club
  • Film Movement
  • Youtube RED
  • Shudder
  • IndieFlix
  • Spuul
  • Flix Fling
  • Fandor
  • DramaFever
  • Curiousity Stream
  • Acorn TV
  • Warner Instant Archive
  • Snag Films

tribeca shortlistTribeca Shortlist

First on my list is a recent entry into the streaming market. I’ve been very impressed as the movies are not only independent and obscure, but also big budgets and classics. I like that there are just enough movies for a good selection and I also like they let you know when a movie is about to expire.

BONUS: you can download to watch offline on your mobile device.

Summary Recommendations from industry professionals
Trial 14 days
Monthly $4.99
Yearly n/a
Watch Roku, amazon Fire, iOS, AirPlay, Chromecast
Ads No
Download for offline Yes
Why it’s special Movies selected by actors and filmmakers.


In close competition with Tribeca Shortlist is another newcomer, MUBI. Slightly more obscure, I love how there’s a new movie every day and you are notified by email.

BONUS: you can download to watch offline on your mobile device.

Summary Only 30 hand-picked movies at a time.
They’ll get 30 days for free. No credit card required.
And you get 7 days free when they watch their first film.
Monthly $4.99
Yearly $39.99
Watch PC, Mac, Android, iPad/iPhone, and Samsung Smart TV
Ads No
Download for offline Yes
Why it’s special New film every day, 30 hand-picked films

indipix unlimitedIndiePix Unlimited

One of the most diverse on the list, this is for a true international cinefile.

Summary Independent cinema
Trial 30 days
Monthly $5.99
Yearly n/a
Watch computer, Apple iOS 7+, Android 4+
Ads No
Download for offline No
Why it’s special International library

sundance doc clubSundance Doc Club

Best of the best, award-winning documentaries.

Summary Documentaries
Trial 30 days
Monthly $6.99
Yearly $39.99
Watch computer, Apple iOS 7+, Android 4+, Roku, Chromecast and Apple TV (via Airplay)
Ads No
Download for offline No
Why it’s special Curated Documentaries

film movementFilm Movement

This service has a slightly different model offering a physical copy as part of one of its packages. Use code FEB30 at checkout for 30% off an annual subscription.

Summary Independent cinema
Trial No
Monthly $11.95
Yearly $99.99
Watch computer only
Ads No
Download for offline No
Why it’s special 1 new movie per month, DVD and/or Streaming

Youtube redYoutube RED

Ok, so there’s not a lot of movies available on here, but Youtube Red is an upcoming original content channel with the new Rooster Teeth movie, Lazer Team. Oh, and when you subscribe, you don’t see any ads when watching Youtube videos. It’s also got all kinds of other perks with music. It’s definitely worth doing the free trial month.

Summary Music, Series, Movies
Trial 1 month
Monthly $9.99
Yearly n/a
Watch everywhere
Ads No
Download for offline Yes
Why it’s special Original content, No ads!!


For horror fans, this is a fantastic bargain. Fantastic selection.

Summary Horror movies
Trial 14 days
Monthly $4.99
Yearly $49.99
Watch computer, Apple iOS 7+, Android 4+, Roku, Chromecast, Apple TV (via Airplay), Playstation, XBOX, Amazon Fire, Samsung TV
Ads No
Download for offline No
Why it’s special Horror movies


This service also has a good selection of feature and short films. Nothing super remarkable, just good movies.

Summary Independent
Trial 14 days
Monthly $5
Yearly $50
Watch computer, Roku, XBOX, amazon Fire
Ads No
Download for offline No
Why it’s special Short films, Independent


This specialty service is a must for a Bollywood lover.

Summary Bollywood movies
Trial 7 days
Monthly $4.99
Yearly $49.99
Watch PC, Mac, phone, tablet and TV
Ads No
Download for offline No
Why it’s special Bollywood movies & TV

flix flingFlix Fling

Great selection of movies and upcoming exclusive VOD release of THE CORPSE OF ANNA FRITZ (El cadáver de Anna Fritz) a film by Hèctor Hernández Vicens.

Summary Blockbuster and new releases
Trial 14 days
Monthly $7.99
Yearly n/a
Watch Smart TVs: Vizio, Yahoo Connected
Applications: iOS, Android, Opera, Windows 8, Vidora
Set-top boxes: Roku, Entone, TiVo coming soon
Game Console: Xbox 360
Ads No
Download for offline No
Why it’s special Subscription or on demand


Another fantastic service with international and independent movies worth your time.

Summary International & Independent
Trial 14 days
Monthly $10
Yearly $90
Watch computer, Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, Android, Kindle, iPhone, iPad
Ads No
Download for offline Yes
Why it’s special Half your purchase dollars will go to support the community of filmmakers and film providers. Discount for education


There’s a big world out there and Korean dramas are so popular, that if you’ve seen everything on Netflix, you may need this.

Summary Korean Dramas, Latin American Telenovelas, and a wide selection of Asian TV shows and movies
Trial 7 days
Monthly n/a
Yearly $11.88 / $50.04 / $99.96
Watch computer, Apple iOS 7+, Android 4+, Roku, Chromecast, Apple TV (via Airplay), Playstation, XBOX, Amazon Fire, Samsung TV
Ads Depends on tier
Download for offline No
Why it’s special Korean dramas, Latin American Telenovelas, Asian moves & TV

curiousity streamCuriousity Stream

Not just documentaries, this services promotes non-fiction, so there’s so much more to discover.

Summary Documentaries
Trial 30 days
Monthly $2.99 SD / $5.99 HD
Yearly n/a
Watch Roku, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, phone, tablet
& Apple TV (via airplay).
Ads No
Download for offline No
Why it’s special Focuses purely on non-fiction

acorn tvAcorn TV

Hooked on Downton Abbey? There’s so many more British television and movies available on this streaming service.

Summary British movies & TV
Trial 30 days
Monthly $4.99
Yearly n/a
Watch Roku, Samsung Smart TV, iPhone, iPad, web, and more
Ads No
Download for offline No
Why it’s special

warner instant archiveWarner Instant Archive

Limited to only Warner Brothers, I think this service doesn’t offer enough for the price. However, for those seeking classics going back to the 30s, this delivers.

Summary Classic Warner Brothers TV & Movies
Trial 1 month
Monthly $9.99
Yearly 6 mos $47.99 / 12 mos $84.99
Watch Online & Roku only
Ads No
Download for offline No
Why it’s special Movies spanning through the 1920s to the 1990s

snag filmsSnag Films

Free. Absolutely free movies.

Summary Independent
Trial FREE
Monthly FREE
Yearly FREE
Watch computer, Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, Android, Kindle, iPhone, iPad
Ads Yes
Download for offline No
Why it’s special FREE

Review: The raw nature of ‘Glassland’ will leave you broken hearted


America has fortunately be given another profoundly great Irish Film. After the overwhelming feelings of isolation we felt with the Irish film, Room (2015); our emotions take another beating when witnessing the physical and mental consequences of alcoholism in Gerard Barrett’s Glassland. The film had an incredible cast who really blew me away with their performances. Alcoholism is not a joke, and this film will show audiences just how heartbreaking it really is.


John (Jack Reynor) and his mother Jean (Toni Collette) reside in a low-income suburb in Dublin, Ireland. With no help from his mother, John works all night driving a taxi to help provide for his family, all while his mother falls victim to her disease. She believes a better life is found at the bottom of a bottle, even while knowing the impact her choices have on her family. Their story shows the sacrifices that have to be made from both John and Jean in order to create some hope for their future.


Barrett’s shots throughout the film were powerful. The change in technique and the difference in the camera’s movements really set the tone for each scene. There are times where the camera is motionless in a single room, making the audience feel as trapped as Jack feels in the scene. Later, Barrett changes over to a shaky camera technique, giving the audience more of an unsettled feeling. The film overall is simple, and despite not having a very complex story, it is raw and beautifully demonstrated. This film shows us the heartbreaking truth that many people in this world deal with everyday;  without the amazing performances from the cast and well executed cinematography, this meaningful film might of fallen through the cracks. Check out Glassland in theaters on February 12th.


3/5 Stars