‘DON’T YOU LET ME GO’ (Tribeca 2024) Stunning work from filmmakers Ana Guevara and Leticia Jorge captures the whimsy and grace of a grieving mind.

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Filmmakers Ana Guevara and Leticia Jorge bring their new film DON’T YOU LET ME GO to Tribeca 2024 audiences. At the funeral of her best friend Ele, Adela experiences the bizarre buzzing about of grief-stricken visitors, some recalling funny stories, others weeping. Feeling entirely overwhelmed, Adela seeks solace in her car only to find a mysterious bus pulls beside her, destination Solis. Dropped off at a seaside home and finding Ele asleep in bed, Adela curls up beside her until morning. Back in time, Ele and Adela relive a weekend filled with beer, drugs, music, gossip, and mayhem.

DON'T_YOU_LET_ME_GO-CleanVictoria Jorge gives Elena a tangibility that keeps us engaged. Ana Guevara and Leticia Jorge write a fun and authentic character, putting us at ease. Chiara Hourcade delivers a self-aware performance that allows the audience to ride this emotional rollercoaster alongside Adela. Hourcade and Jorge capture our hearts with genuine familiarity in their chemistry.

The film opens with a slick visual bait and switch. Such a choice sets you up for the magical realism that takes hold in this exploration of grief and the purity of female friendship. Playing out in chapters like the ones in Elena and Adela’s detective novels, a narrator gives the audience insight into Adela and Elena’s past, sometimes possessing an otherworldly power over Adela as she speaks. Small absurdist details remind us that none of this is real, but what joy it would bring if it were. DON’T YOU LET ME GO is a delicious journey through the looking-glass story that conjures a yearning jealousy for those we’ve lost.

International Narrative Competition

Feature | Uruguay | 74 MINUTES | Spanish | English subtitles


Ana Guevara, Leticia Jorge


Agustina Chiarino


Ana Guevara, Leticia Jorge


Yarará Rodríguez


Luciano Supervielle


Lucía Casal, Stephanie Tabárez

Sound Design

Catriel Vildosola

Art Director

Cecilia Guerriero

Line Producer

Hernán Olivera Quesada

Production Manager

Agostina Malnatti

Assistant Director

Andrea Pollio


Chiara Hourcade, Victoria Jorge, Eva Dans

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