Like any sequel, Ted 2 reintroduces characters from the first movie minus John’s girlfriend/wife who he broke up with six months prior to Ted’s wedding to Tammy Lynn. Now the main plot is to “legalize Ted” so Ted and Tammy Lynn can have a baby. Again written, directed and starring Seth MacFarlane, it again co-stars his thunderbuddy, Mark Wahlberg.
The story is nothing special and serves more as a platform for jokes and semi-obscure movie references, but it excels at it. There are a few jokes that go on a bit long, but for the most part, it hits the mark. There is a notable cameo that’s immensely brilliant and completely unnecessary much like most of the scenes, actually.
Amanda Seyfried is a refreshing addition to the duo, as she’s young, immature and, of course, smokes pot. She’s also not versed in pop culture so it becomes a wealth of opportunity for the two to make fun of her. It’s quite brilliant, actually. You get the 20 year-old audience that wants pot and dick jokes and the 30-40 year-old audience that loves getting the old school movie references.
Yes, I enjoyed Ted the first go-around. It has just enough of a story surrounded by silly jokes about a teddy bear being real. It was amusing and fun, just like Ted 2. However, this time the story is more of an outline and there’s many more jokes to fill almost 2 hours.
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