Tallgrass Film Fest 2022 short film review: ‘In the Mountains’ is a wacky, animated nightmare.


2D charcoal and pen animation and an ominous score (in fact, my six-year-old son heard it in the background and exclaimed, “That’s so scary!”) IN THE MOUNTAINS quickly lays a foundation of terror. After our couple goes for a hike and discovers footprints, among other items, at the peak, they realize they are not alone in the wilderness. What they come across in a cave changes the trajectory from uncomfortable to full-on punk horror. That’s the only way I can describe it. IN THE MOUNTAINS compresses a feature to its essential elements in the darkest way possible. Writer-director Wally Chung also lends his voice to the project. You’ll be thinking about this short long after its five-minute runtime. 

  • Year:
  • Runtime:
    5 minutes
  • Language:
  • Country:
  • Rating:
  • Director:
    Wally Chung
  • Producer:
    Wally Chung

About Liz Whittemore

Liz grew up in northern Connecticut and was memorizing movie dialogue from Shirley Temple to A Nightmare on Elm Street at a very early age. She will watch just about any film all the way through (no matter how bad) just to prove a point. A loyal New Englander, a lover of Hollywood, and true inhabitant of The Big Apple.

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