Making a film is expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. The new film And Uneasy Lies The Mind is the very first of its kind; shot entirely on an iPhone. The story revolves around a young movie star named Peter. For his birthday and he aims to celebrate in his new ski resort mansion with expectant wife, Julie, and their best couple friends, Jack and Lauren. The day starts off all good and well until drugs and alcohol are introduced and the night begins to go haywire. Jealousy and secrets lead to misguided confessions and confusion. We’re not quite sure what is reality and what is insanity in this brand new psychological thriller.
Directed and shot by Ricky Fosheim, the film is cleverly woven with its deceptive editing. It’s a tough task to take jumbled memories and flashes and create a cohesive narrative. I’m still not sure whether it was completely successful or not, but at least I’m admitted still thinking about it. The story is by Peter’s on screen wife, J’aime Spezzano and the script is written by Jonas Fisch and Dillon Tucker, (Peter and best friend Jack, respectively). The dialogue is smart but sometimes waxes philosophical way too much, causing it to sound unrealistic and forced in moments. It’s got a case of what we used to call “Dawson’s Creek Syndrome” but not in a good way. At least that was believable repartee. This is a bit overboard.
Three outstanding performances must not go unmentioned. Dillon Tucker as Jack was truly interesting to watch. He is genuine and free spirited and unfettered by the dialogue at hand. Michelle Nunes gives an emotionally unambiguous performance. She is super natural and very likable. The winner in this whole thing has got to be Isaac Nippert. Isaac plays the fifth character is this story as memory impaired friend Shawn. Nippert delivers a fully fleshed out human being. His idiosyncrasies hit every beat. The power of his presence makes this film. Every syllable is sharp and his energy will engage you from the first moment he appears on screen. High five, Isaac Nippert, high five. Someone cast this guy in anything, please!
I admire the task at hand. The natural light lent to some gorgeous shots that, for the most part, you could forget the camera is an iPhone. As to be expected, the less light there was, the less sharp the shot. All things considered, job well done. It certainly gives hope and inspiration to hungry filmmakers out there. And Uneasy Lies The Mind is now available on iTunes, Amazon Instant, Google Play, Vudu, Redbox Instant and most cable operators across the US and Canada.
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