‘DARKEST MIRIAM’ (Tribeca 2024) Excels in its mystery and the magnificent Britt Lower

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DARKEST_MIRIAM-Clean-16x9-0Someone seems to be leaving Miriam cryptic notes and clues connected to her life. A kind-hearted and observant Toronto librarian at a quiet branch filled with an eclectic group of patrons, Miriam’s mundane existence gets upended by increasingly weird incidents and a new love affair with a young foreign cab driver. 

Britt Lower’s narration moves this enigmatic story forward. The entire narrative flows as a reminder that this is a splendid adaptation of Matha Baillie’s novel The Incident Report.

The notes are poetic in their veiled threats, filled with delicious language choices. It is a pensive tug-of-war between love and grief. 

DARKEST_MIRIAMBritt Lower commands the screen with not much more than a stare. Miriam is mired quietly in grief. Lower is effortlessly magnetic, capturing every bit of nuance inside of Miriam.

The film delves into the fact that libraries are often a public refuge for the misunderstood. More importantly, the love story is a haven of intimacy and honest expression. As the plot shifts, her unresolved trauma, tinged with the macabre, becomes a worry for the audience. You are rooting for Miriam, full stop. Tribeca 2024 should settle into the pros of the script and allow themselves to live with Miriam, if only for a short time. 

Darkest Miriam


Feature | Canada | 87 MINUTES | English

Darkest Miriam


Naomi Jaye


Julie Baldassi, Brian Robertson


Naomi Jaye


Michael LeBlanc


Lev Lewis


Louie Short, Eliza Niemi

Executive Producer

Charlie Kaufman, Martha Baillie, Brian Robertson, Julie Baldassi, Adi Chand, Jonas Prupas, Dean Perlmutter, Charles Baillie, Harland Weiss, Donovan M. Boden, Isil Gilderdale, Emily Harris, Stephanie Hickman, Naomi Jaye

Based on the novel

The Incident Report by Martha Baillie


Britt Lower, Tom Mercier, Sook-Yin Lee, Jean Yoon

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About Liz Whittemore

Liz grew up in northern Connecticut and was memorizing movie dialogue from Shirley Temple to A Nightmare on Elm Street at a very early age. She will watch just about any film all the way through (no matter how bad) just to prove a point. A loyal New Englander, a lover of Hollywood, and true inhabitant of The Big Apple.

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