Writer-director Nicholas Tomnay takes us on a journey of twisted morality. Down on his luck, chef Ryan steps into the life of his schoolmate and cooks for a small group of ultra-wealthy diners. The experience is nothing like he imagined.
Nick Stahl plays Ryan, a chef running from his gambling debts. When he assumes the identity of his former culinary schoolmate, he must outpace the threats at home while managing the expectations of “playing” Jack. Questions of morality loom large. You’ll root for a man bending the rules to survive. Nick Stahl has been on my radar my entire life. We are the same age, and as a cinephile from the womb, I’ve followed his career from The Man Without a Face to Disturbing Behavior and, more recently, Hunter Hunter and What Josiah Saw. To me, he’s a genre staple. WHAT YOU WISH FOR is another strong role choice for Stahl. His ability to command each frame, often without dialogue, draws you into his world.
Tomnay gives the audience plenty of intrigue from beginning to end, slowly building tension, never quite letting up until the last frame. And boy, it’s a doozy. I cannot say much more. I don’t wish to spoil the film. Trust me when I say it’s a delicious entry into the dark comedic world. It is, as they say, Chef’s Kiss.
WHAT YOU WISH FOR is written and directed by Nicholas Tomnay. The film is produced by Nicholas Tomnay, Francesca Silvestri & Kevin Chinoy.
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