Indy Film Fest Fave ‘Ben’s at Home’ is Getting a Web Series…Hell Yes

bens at home - posterI was happy today to get news that one of my fave films of 2014, Ben’s at Home, is in the process of getting made into a web series. I was lucky enough to catch the film at the Indy Film Fest and had the fantastic opportunity to speak with both co-writer/star Dan Abramovici and co-writer/director Mars Horodyski about the film and their process. You can catch my review here.The basics of the plot is a guy who goes through a bad breakup decides not to leave his house…ever. Everything he needs, he can get sent to his house. Why leave?

So, there is a way that you (yes you!) can help out the Ben’s at Home team. Watch the teaser below and throw a comment their way on YouTube. The Canadian-based filmmakers are looking to get funding through Canada’s Independent Production Fund to get this thing off the ground. So what harm can that do? The film was funny, witty and topical and I expect the web series will expand on what Ben is up to now.

Get there, people. I’m really excited about this project and you should be too.

About Jeremy Harmon

He is Jeremy Harmon aka Spirit of the Thing aka Harmonov. Once a Van Damme/action movie devotee, he now prefers to delve into small budget, independent and foreign films. Jeremy maintains that Slap Shot is the best movie ever. Follow him on Twitter @harmonov or read his new blog @

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