Before FIFTY SHADES OF GREY, there was SECRETARY. James Spader leads this sexy and daring comedy as the original Mr. Grey, a seemingly normal lawyer whose relationship with his new secretary (Maggie Gyllenhaal) descends into a kinky affair that would give nightmares to any human resource director! Check out the new artwork and trailer below. SECRETARY is available now on VOD and Digital HD. And for the first time ever the behind-the-scenes featurette is available on Digital HD.
Oscar® winner Michael Douglas stars with red-hot Sharon Stone in this groundbreaking and controversial film that redefined the genre of the sexy thriller. When tough but vulnerable detective Nick Curran (Douglas) meets a cold, calculating novelist with insatiable sexual urges (Stone), he is caught in a deadly web of betrayal, lies, and murder—quickly descending into San Francisco’s dark and dangerous underworld where suspicions mount, bodies fall, and only basic instincts keep you alive.
Special features:
- Blonde Poison = making of approx. 30 minutes
- Storyboard to Screen Comparisons = 7 mins
- Cleaning up Basic Instinct = 5 minutes (this compares this cut with the TV version and shows how they covered up the nudity)
- Screen Tests w/ Sharon Stone & Jeanne Tripplehorn = 8 minutes
ANOTHER 9 1/2 WEEKS – Digital HD and VOD
Mickey Rourke reprises his role as the mysteriously sexy John in this steamy, suspense-filled follow up to 9 1Ž2 WEEKS. When John travels to Paris to attend an art sale hosted by his old flame, he begins a torrid affair with a gorgeous woman (Angie Everhart) who used to be her best friend. As the erotic tension between them builds, John finds himself drawn into a dangerous new obsession.
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