I think whoever released the movies this week is my new best friend. All these movies are on my Netflix queue and should be on yours too!
- The ‘Burbs (1989) – A comedy of 80s proportion. Tom Hanks, Bruce Dern, Carrie Fisher and, oh, COREY FELDMAN.
- Snowpiercer (2014) – A full month before it’s initial release date, now there’s no excuse to not see my favorite move of the year.
- Arachnophobia (1990) – Spiders. Jeff Daniels, John Goodman and lots of spiders.
- Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) – “Oklahoma! Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma!” Steve Martin and Michael Caine are a match in comedy heaven.
- Quick and the Dead (1990) – Sam Raimi’s first movie after Army of Darkness is a western with Sharon Stone and Gene Hackman.
- Stand By Me (1986) – These were my original crushes. River Phoenix, Corey Feldman (again!), Wil Wheaton and Jerry O’Connell. “Lollipop” by the Chordettes always reminds me of this movie.
- The Rocketeer (1991) – I loved watching the 1940s in full color. It’s a fun movie.
- Total Recall (1990) – At the height of blood & gut violence in action movies, this Arnold is jam-packed with one-liners that are absolutely priceless.
- The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) – I just love a good action movie. Sometimes it’s about nothing else.
- Playing for the Mob (2013) – ESPN Films 30 for 30 series this time focuses on a rigged basketball series in the 1970s. See an untold story of the Henry Hill case.
For the marathoner in you, here’s some new seasons to watch!
- It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
- Portlandia
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