“A Peloton of One” is a documentary film about surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse, focusing on the next chapter in the Survivors’ story – what happens after victims come forward. The film follows Dave Ohlmuller who conducts a solo bicycle ride from Chicago to New York, meeting a variety of other Survivors and legal advocates along the way.
Trauma, the Catholic Church, politics, mental health, justice, and sexual abuse, A Peloton of One is a film about awareness for victims and the truth. #IRideWithDave Know the hashtag and understand its immense power and message. Dave Ohlmuller‘s emotional and physical journey as a survivor and an advocate is breathtaking and inspiring.
I attended Catholic parochial school for eight years. My Mother thought it would be a better education. And while that element ended up being a blessing, the stress and fear instilled in me at the age of 6 were not. While I’m not the victim of sexual abuse by the church (that would happen in college by an acquaintance), I fully understand the emotional stronghold that the church has on families. After college, I tangentially worked on a few campaigns. Because of this, have a greater understanding of the protection politicians provide for specific institutions. This pushback is entirely about greed and votes.
The metaphor of a peloton is perfect. The lack of safety as Dave (mostly) rides alone represents every survivor who felt dismissed, who lived in fear, who kept it inside from childhood to adulthood. His unadulterated honesty and bravery connect people of all ages across the country. A Peloton of One is an important watch. Pay attention to those who are blocking laws. Ask why they stand in the way of justice. Audiences have heard the news, but the A Peloton of One puts faces to stories. It further personalizes the truth and the long road to healing.
Greenwich International Film Festival
Winner: Audience Award for Best Film
Golden Door International Film Festival
Official Selection
New Jersey Documentary Film Festival
Official Selection
Jersey Shore Film Festival
Official Selection
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