Today the internet was treated to a live tweet of The Interview with James Franco, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. The movie was originally scheduled for wide theatrical release only, then was cancelled, then was released in independent theaters as well as online.
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Below are some of my favorite tweets: What’s your favorite?
That tiger is real and I'm really like ten feet in front of it and I was scared. #TheInterview
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) December 28, 2014
Falcour, the never ending story!!! My favorite reference in the film!#TheInterview @Sethrogen
— James Franco (@JamesFrancoTV) December 28, 2014
Randall park is flawless! He humanizes KIM! #TheInterview @Sethrogen @evandgoldberg
— James Franco (@JamesFrancoTV) December 28, 2014
I actually learned to drive the tank with Randall. Then I almost ran over seth and the camera crew! #TheInterview
— James Franco (@JamesFrancoTV) December 28, 2014
There was a version of the movie where a montage didn't exist now it is one of my favorite parts #TheInterview @Sethrogen @evandgoldberg
— James Franco (@JamesFrancoTV) December 28, 2014
Welcome to the jungle, it'll bring you to your shananananananana knees!#TheInterview
— James Franco (@JamesFrancoTV) December 28, 2014
We tried to make that foot shot look as much like Anthony Keidis getting shot in Point Break as possible. #TheInterview
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) December 28, 2014
Sook's little theme song is the opening of "Conquest" which is a cover done by the White Stripes. #TheInterview
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) December 28, 2014
Yeah it's super weird to make a movie where pretty much everyone has already seen the end. @Sethrogen
— Evan Goldberg (@evandgoldberg) December 28, 2014
There was a great shot we didn't use of the puppy resting it's paw on Seth as he sadly watched Sook leave. Was super cute @Sethrogen
— Evan Goldberg (@evandgoldberg) December 28, 2014
My father use to take me to those mining tunnels as a kid on weekends. No joke. Very surreal filming there
— Evan Goldberg (@evandgoldberg) December 28, 2014
It will forever torment us both that they weren't given Northface Jackets and Pirate Booty on the boat. @Sethrogen
— Evan Goldberg (@evandgoldberg) December 28, 2014
We came up with the whole idea before Dennis Rodman. Back when Kim Jong Il ran the country @raquelmperazzo @JamesFrancoTV @Sethrogen
— Evan Goldberg (@evandgoldberg) December 28, 2014
he lost them dude. There's nothing to reattach. Those fingers are in North korea forever @NickDeArmon @Sethrogen
— Evan Goldberg (@evandgoldberg) December 28, 2014
A movie that ends with,"shit his pants. The end," is probably a master piece. @Sethrogen @evandgoldberg #TheInterview
— James Franco (@JamesFrancoTV) December 28, 2014
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