I mean, of course I was looking forward to the Flash/Arrow crossover! It was the number one television event I was looking forward to this entire Fall season, but I was also quite nervous as to how it would turn out. Being a lifetime comic book reader, one thing is abundantly clear when superhero “events” are concerned, you are destined for a letdown more often then not. Thankfully the producers of these shows and the brains in charge of the CW carefully created a wonderful two night spectacular that was not only fun, but faithful to each shows strengths.
“Flash Vs. Arrow” on Flash’s Tuesday time slot followed by Arrow’s “The Brave and the Bold” on Wednesday were producer-writers Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg shining moments as each episode shined a very bright spotlight on the two mega shows. The character rich shows were each to utilize the immense talents of the other shows actors and created a fun and engaging dialogue that never became too campy or too over the top. Hats off to each of the main actors, Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen/Arrow) and Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/Flash) for believing enough in their characters to feel comfortable enough to just have fun and not try to outdo the other. The results will pay off big time for each show moving forward.
Part 1, “Flash Vs. Arrow”, started off with a bang. When Flash comes face to face with a metahuman with the power to induce rage via the ocular nerve, using color psychology, Barry realizes that this villain may be his toughest test to date. Oliver and the Arrow team are visiting Central City to get some expertise from the S.T.A.R. Lab crew on a mysterious boomerang they found in Sterling City. When Barry suggests that Oliver and him team up to take down their respective perps, Oliver agrees and the duo search for the one they call Chroma. With the help of Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker), Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (David Ramsey), the heroes track down Chroma, but the meeting has a cost, Chroma touches Barry and sets him on a path of rage. A path that puts him in the direct path of the Arrow.
Part 2, “The Brave and the Bold”, begins with Oliver and Roy (Colton Haynes) tracking down a man named Digger Harkness , the boomerang killer Oliver has been tracking, but upon arrival, Oliver and Roy encounter an A.R.G.U.S. tactical team looking for the same guy. The S.T.A.R labs team of Caitlin and Cisco arrive in Starling City to help Felicity with some analysis, but their presence seems well timed as the Arrow team could use their help. When Harkness attacks A.R.G.U.S; Roy and Oliver arrive to stop him, but wind up needing assistance from Barry Allen to get out alive. Oliver agrees to allow Barry to return the favor and assist in his investigation, but they do it the Arrow way. Barry learns quickly that things aren’t as rosy in Starling City as they are in his own town and that justice is dealt in a more violent way that he’s used to. Coming to terms with the situation, Barry and Oliver are faced with the task of stopping not only the Boomerang killer, but a series of bombs that he has set up around the city as a contingency plan. Can Barry and Oliver work as a team to save the day just one more time?
The outcome of both shows was perfectly done with each character coming out looking strong. The interaction between Barry and Oliver was entertaining with Oliver having issues with Barry’s happy go lucky way of life. One of the absolute shining moments of the two night event was a scene where Flash tries Oliver’s salmon ladder at breakneck speed and finishes by saying, “I don’t see what’s so hard about that”…hilarious! The witty banter, the action, the characters, the perfect crossover event. If you weren’t a fan of either show, now is the time to jump on, cause the ride is spectacular and will only get better.
Flash vs Arrow (5 out of 5)
The Brave and the Bold (5 out of 5)
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