The Reel Big Show – Robin Williams & Lauren Bacall Tributes With CEO of Modernciné and Modern Distributors Andrew van den Houten


In the first part of the episode, Michael’s leads the tribute to Robin Williams along with regulars Jeremy Harmon and Brad Slaton. Jeremy also pays tribute to Lauren Bacall.

Andrew van den Houten, CEO and Founder of TentSquareModernciné, and Modern Distributors came on to discuss TentSquare and the new films ModernCine has up their sleeve…Young Adult novel fans might freak a little!


About Melissa Hanson

Melissa Hanson aka Dial M For Melissa - Managing Editor / Podcast Producer - Growing up, Melissa’s favorite destination was always the video store and would agonize over whether to watch something new or to rewatch a favorite. Things have not changed. Follow on Twitter @DialMForMelissa

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