In GRIMMFEST 2022 feature Malibu Horror Story, a young filmmaking team and series runners for a paranormal investigative show attempt to solve a seven-year-old mystery of four missing teens. A social commentary on colonialism, Malibu Horror Story is revenge horror goodness, chock full of intrigue, Native American culture, and spiritual portals.
With a little bit of The Blair Witch Project vibe, writer-director Scott Sloane takes on exploitation in a unique and relevant way. Performances are solid across the board. The first half of the film is tightly structured. While the second half is a touch predictable, it is still fun, filled with gore and revenge. If you’re a ghost hunter/paranormal/ true crime/ horror nerd like me, you will appreciate the legit editing. Special shout out to the incessantly creepy contortionist work. Bravo.
Runtime:85 minutes
Country:United States
Premiere:International premiere
Director:Scott Slone
Screenwriter:Scott Slone
Producer:Dustin Harris, Scott Slone
Executive Producer:Henri M. Kessler, Brandon Edgley, Ricardo Emanuel Gonzalez
Cast:Tommy Cramer, Dylan Sprayberry, Jacob Hughes
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