Walt Disney Pictures Animation and Pixar Animation panel, hosted by Chief Creative Officer John Lasseter, announced the upcoming slate of movies coming from the studio including Toy Story 4, Incredibles 2, Cars 3, along with already announced Finding Dory, The Good Dinosaur and previously untitled Coco.
John Lasseter also finally confirmed the plot for Pixar’s much-anticipated Toy Story 4, which he will return to direct alongside Josh Cooley. Here’s what he had to say:
“It’s a love story with Woody and—and this is news—Bo Peep,” said Lasseter. “At Pixar and at Disney, we only make sequels if we come up with a story that’s as good or better than the original. That’s our rule. We don’t do things just to print money.”
Previously untitled film is now officially called Coco, and will be directed by Lee Unkrich. The director was on hand with producer Darla K. Anderson, reuniting the team from the Oscar-winning Toy Story 3. They showed some of the test animation for the movie that’s based around a 12-year-old Mexican boy named Miguel. The film is set for release in the Fall 2017.
The major letdown of the day was that there was no mention of release dates for The Incredibles 2 or Cars 2 despite being placed on the above poster. We will just have to wait a bit longer for those annoucements I suppose.
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