Review: ‘Game Changers’ Has Stiffer Acting Than Competition, But Still A Must See For Gamers

Game Changers

Available on DVD & Digital HD: July 11, 2017

Guest review from Reel Reviews Over Brews

Game Changers is about lifelong friends Bryan (Brian Bernys) and Scott (Jake Albarella). Bryan and Scott were legends in the professional gaming world. Winning MLG Halo tournaments across the country. Now pushing 30, Brian and Scott no longer have the same legend status and feel as though part of their identity is missing. While working for an IT company that is falling apart, Bryan sets out to regain his claim to fame as a professional gamer looking to compete in cash paying games.

Scott agrees to help Bryan fight his way back to the top, but at what cost will these two go, to reclaim their status as professional gamers like those on 해외배팅사이트!?

As gamers ourselves, we went into this movie with very high hopes. The flashback scenes of Bryan and Scott playing Halo brought us right back to when we were in our heyday and buying accounts from AussyELO and playing with the elite professionals. We found Game Changers very relatable. Especially since we are basically the same ages as the main characters and we literally used to play the same game. So if you are a “gamer” we think you’ll enjoy this movie and more so, ethershock. It made us want to pick the controllers back up and get into some of those intense matches we used to have. Going into this movie we had hoped for more gaming scenes, but we didn’t get them. The acting wasn’t terrible, but we did find it a bit… awkward? Maybe that’s what the director was going for though, considering it is a gaming movie. Either way, it was stiffer than the competition Bryan and Scott were up against. With better acting we would have given Game Changers a higher rating. Although we have a few critiques we recommend giving it a watch… especially if you are a “gamer!” If you are a gamer you must check the 2042 hack for special hacks to make the game more fun.

Reel ROB Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Post Credits Scene: No

We want to thank our friends at Reel News Daily for allowing us to do this guest review for them!

Review: ‘Wichita’… Another Average Horror Flick


Available On DVD & Digital HD: June 20, 2017

Guest review from Reel Reviews Over Brews

Wichita is about a filmmaker named Jeb (Trevor Peterson). Jeb is the creator of a TV series that is in decline. In order to try and save the show, he sets up a writing retreat for all of his co-workers to join him at a secluded home in the mountains. Little do they know that Jeb has wired the house with hidden cameras, due to his obsession with watching and manipulating their lives. Unfortunately for Raven (Persia White), she is his biggest obsession. When Jeb is eventually fired, he loses his mind completely and returns to the retreat with his camera where he sets himself on a horrifyingly violent rampage in hopes to capture it all for one final masterpiece.

We’ve been watching a lot of horror movies lately and Wichita joins in the middle of the pack. It takes a while for this movie to get going and once it does, it still didn’t quite have us on the edge of our seats, but it did have us trying to figure out what Jeb would do next. This movie takes a lot of the classic horror moves into play, so a few of the scenes seemed predictable. Trevor Peterson played an amazing role as Jeb though! It’s very easy to get caught up in his character’s story and that is why we have to applaud him. One thing we wish directors Justyn Ah Chong and Matthew D. Ward did with this movie, is utilize the hidden cameras more. It felt like hidden cameras were going to be a big part of the story line and they just weren’t used as much as we hoped or thought. In the end, Wichita isn’t bad, but it also isn’t great. Its average and we’re okay with that because most horror movies have been fairly underwhelming lately.

Reel ROB Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars

Post Credits Scene: No

We want to thank our friends at Reel News Daily for allowing us to do this guest review for them!